Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R3 2018 (v2018.3.911) Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R3 2018 (v2018.3.911) Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R3 2018 (v2018.3.911) Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R3 2018 (v2018.3.911) Retail

ASP.NET Core MVC is a complete rewrite of the .NET framework, delivering exciting changes and expanding the reach of .NET apps. Here’s some of what’s new:

.NET Core and Visual Studio Code enable you to develop and deploy apps on any OS—Windows, Linux or Mac
Tag Helpers provide easier views creation and UI definition
Nuget, Bower and Gulp package managers and automation tools boost your productivity
Unified MVC and Web API programming model simplifies development

As usual, we at Progress strive to deliver tools leveraging the latest technologies, so that your apps are always modern. This is why we were the first vendor to deliver official ASP.NET Core MVC support in their UI components. Read on to see how Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC leverages ASP.NET Core MVC features to speed up your development.

ASP.NET Core is now live and developers around the globe are highly excited to give it a spin. Now that it's released, more and more developers are about to start new or to migrate existing apps onto it. This means the need for beautiful and high quality UI components that run on the new Microsoft framework is increasingly vital.

What’s new in the Kendo UI MVC wrappers for ASP.NET Core?

Tag Helpers—we are following the ASP.NET Core specification and we have included Tag Helpers for some of the popular components: NumericTextBox, Button, Window, DatePicker and TimePicker. We plan to add more tag helpers in the next releases, but it will be awesome if you share feedback on exactly which components you'd like to define and configure through Tag Helpers.
New VS template—You can now use the new Telerik template to quickly setup and create a project for ASP.NET Core.
GitHub Demo app—The demo app is now obsolete and will be replaced by a brand new demo app for ASP.NET Core in the R3'16 release.

Cross-Platform Development and UI for ASP.NET MVC

Probably the most significant feature of ASP.NET Core MVC is the introduction of the new light and modular .NET Core runtime, which is OS-neutral. For the first time in .NET history, you can build applications and deploy them on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX devices. And on top of all that, it’s an open source solution so it’s free!

UI for ASP.NET MVC fully supports the .NET Core runtime, and helps you build beautiful responsive web experiences crossing the boundaries of the Windows world.

Visual Studio Code and UI for ASP.NET MVC

With ASP.NET Core MVC comes Visual Studio Code, a lightweight version of Visual Studio that can be used across platforms—Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. It blends a rich UI code editor with code assistance and navigation, along with integrated debugging experience.

UI for ASP.NET MVC integrates naturally with Visual Studio Code, making ASP.NET Core MVC app development a breeze on any platform.

Tag Helpers and UI for ASP.NET MVC

Tag Helpers are the new HTML-friendly way to create views and define UI in ASP.NET MVC applications. They are recommended as the better alternative to traditional MVC HTML helpers, while still allowing you to extend the elements with server MVC functionality. Tag Helpers are also much more “understandable” to front end developers and designers.

We are proud to announce that Telerik Tag Helpers are now available as part of our UI for ASP.NET MVC and include six of the most popular Kendo UI widgets: DatePicker, TimePicker, DataTimePicker, Button, Window and NumericTextBox.

Nuget, Bower and UI for ASP.NET MVC
Nuget and Bower

Popular package management and task automation solutions such as NuGet, Bower and Gulp are made first class citizens in ASP.NET Core MVC. That means every web developer can use Bower for client packages, NuGet for server packages and Grunt/Gulp for compilation, minification, etc., when building web apps.

UI for ASP.NET MVC takes advantage of these tools by providing a Bower feed for its client scripts, and a NuGet feed, hosted on our NuGet server, for its server wrappers implementation (see this help topic for details). Furthermore, you can build a custom script from the source using Grunt by following these steps.

Unified MVC and Web API Programming Model and UI for ASP.NET MVC

A prominent change in ASP.NET Core MVC is the unification and combination of MVC, Web API and Web Pages in a single programming model, which removes the overlap between the three separate frameworks. Moreover, the MVC and Web API controllers use the same Controller base class and routes.

The Telerik MVC product leverages this merge, which simplifies the development and streamlines the usage of MVC Web API architecture in .NET projects.

UI for ASP.NET Core R3 2018

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): Spreadsheet

Toolbar cannot be disabled in the Spreadsheet's taghelper.


Gantt Resources pop-up editor uses a NumericTextBox with step=1, instead of 0.01, for its Units (percentage) edit field
Wrong step applied to PercentComplete NumericTextBox in cultures that use comma as a decimal separator

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): MVVM

Initial value data binding fails for the For method in DropDownTree MVC and Core wrappers

All components

New widget: New widget: New widget: MultiColumnComboBox widget
New widget: New widget: New widget: ArcGauge widget


CDN Vue script show 'You are running Vue in development mode' warning
Property popup is missing in kendo.ui.toolbar TypeScript definition
Classes in the Vue autocomplete wrapper are added wrongly
kendo-grid-column with inline bound prop causes redundant read requests on data changes
Missing kendo.parseExactDate function in TypeScript definitions
Observable.bind signature in typescript definitions must accept event list
Fix Tooltip Content template demos for Sass themes


Add autocomplete attributes


TypeScript autoComplete dataItem definition update


ComboBox/MultiSelect/AutoComplete clear button does not clear the input on Chrome - Windows 10 touch devices

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): DropDownList

Animation duration value is ignored unless effect is set
TagHelpers throw "Unmatched end tag" warning in Edge and IE


Adjust the Excel Export to work with the new Chrome 67 Date standard
Adaptive columns
Add option to set editable option as string for Grid
Group summaries aligned to the columns
Allow for programmatic update of column width


Setting an empty filter on a filtered Number or DateTime grid column doesn't work
Deselecting a row will result in the selectedKeyNames method to not return the selected elements if the persistSelection is false(default)
Clear button in filter row does not work for isNull/IsNotNull filters
Setting an empty filter clears all other filters
Grid's height changes after refresh.
Grid Filter buttons overlapping in row mode with Bootstrap v3 theme
Grid pager items per page not displayed in Firefox
The Grid's groupFooterTemplate during excel export is missing the data of all other fields
Groupable grid with locked columns gets misaligned (out of sync)

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): Editor

NullReferenceException thrown by strongly typed Editor TagHelper if bound to a null value property


Add autocomplete attributes


Treeview with CheckChildren enabled and templates does not change properly checkbox indeterminate state in IE

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): ProgressBar

TagHelpers throw "Unmatched end tag" warning in Edge and IE

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): AutoComplete

Unable to configure animation for AutoComplete's Core wrapper
TagHelpers throw "Unmatched end tag" warning in Edge and IE


JS error when calling kendo.parseDate with culture parameter but no format
Missing kendo.culture TypeScript definitions
kendo.toString() should use the culture for exponential values
kendo.toString returns "D" instead of "0" for zero values when a "D" format is used
kendo.toString outputs insignificant zeros when custom numeric format is used

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): Chart

Add labels.position option for Category, Value, X and Y axes.


Add missing connections-data-source-ref prop
Double tap should perform zoom for Map and Diagram widgets


Revise Tooltip callout position calculation change


Menu does not un-highlight item on Windows touch devices


Chat ToolBar


Chat cards are not in a card deck
Toolbar wrapper should be hidden when no tools are defined


Kendo Draggable is missing TypeScript definition for cancelHold() method


Typescript errors for PivotDataSource

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): MultiSelect

Animation duration value is ignored unless effect is set
MultiSelect TagHelper renders input element instead of select element
TagHelpers throw "Unmatched end tag" warning in Edge and IE


Add beforeEdit, filter / columnMenu open events TreeList events
Client-side paging
Add multi-column headers support for TreeList
Incell editing


Restrict window to a specific area/parent


Memory leak in modal Window
Primary button in widgets' dialogs is not visible in Nova theme
Long title overflows the Window


Add select event in DropDownTree


CheckAll can't be set in MVVM scenario
DropDownTree selected value is not displayed unless dataTextField is set
Unable to prevent select event for DropDownTree with checkboxes
dataItem with zero value incorrectly sets the value of the DropDownTree
Unexpected change event triggering when using DropDownTree's value() method or value option
Read not triggered on expanding DropDownTree dropdown, when autoBind is false
Unable to focus readonly DropDownTree if it is initially disabled


Double tap should perform zoom for Map and Diagram widgets

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): DateInput

Add DateInputFor in HtmlHelpers.
Add 'for' attribute in DateInput taghelper.

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): DropDownTree

Initial value data binding fails for the For method in DropDownTree MVC and Core wrappers
TagHelpers throw "Unmatched end tag" warning in Edge and IE


Add autocomplete attributes


Select items after loading items on scroll with virtual mapValueTo:dataItem


Not triggered button touch event of MultiSelect's noDataTemplate button on MS Surface3 Chrome browser
ComboBox/MultiSelect/AutoComplete clear button does not clear the input on Chrome - Windows 10 touch devices


Avoid axis labels wrapping when panning


A copy of axis label's text is shown at top left corner while scrolling the chart.
Chart TypeScript definitions should allow setting a numeric value to categoryAxis.labels.rotation
Chart exportImage() method with parameters does not export chart
Null reference error on Firefox when Chart is in a hidden iframe
Chart categoryAxis labels do not get updated
Line Chart's line disappear on sparse data
KendoChart "pane.chartsVisual.insert"ed Element vanishes on Zoom.
seriesHover event fires inconsistently when using a shared tooltip
Chart index demos throw JS error in Edge
TypeScript: Chart axes options accept only arrays


Async Upload Vue wrapper loses its reference in the this.$refs object after the first successful upload


Text operators for filtering should work with numbers


Scheduler DataSource throws "this.reader._wrapDataAccessBase is not a function" error upon editing, when configured with offlineStorage
Missing transport submit in TypeScript definitions


Add autocomplete attributes

Excel Export

Adjust the Excel Export to work with the new Chrome 67 Date standard


The Grid's groupFooterTemplate during excel export is missing the data of all other fields
Excel Export should strip all control characters from output (0x00..0x1F), except new lines


Null reference error on Firefox when Chart is in a hidden iframe


TreeView expand event fires multiple times if a node is appended in its handler
Not possible drag and drop on TreeView root level after programmatically sorting its datasource
Treeview with CheckChildren enabled and templates does not change properly checkbox indeterminate state in IE


AngularJS 1.7.2 support


Escape template expressions in AngularJS


Incorrect font name and font style in Editor after using backspace in IE
Unexpected single bullet and left alignment applied to multiple lines in Editor
Unexpected "justified" align of bulleted list
TableWizard's color tools cannot unset color
LinkCommand deletes formatting when an a tag wraps original formatting
A non-breaking space is set to Kendo editor when the textarea is initially empty in IE and Edge
Editor's TableWizard cannot be opened from Create table popup on iOS and Android
ColorPickers' input is not editable
The ExportAs command doesn't work when contenteditable is set to false
Selected font not displaying in dropdown for Kendo Editor (Tablet)
Remove global usage of jQuery in Editor's toolbar

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): Dialog

Missing bool overload for Title setting


Add autocomplete attributes

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): ColorPicker

TagHelpers throw "Unmatched end tag" warning in Edge and IE

Wrappers (ASP.NET Core): ComboBox

Animation duration value is ignored unless effect is set
TagHelpers throw "Unmatched end tag" warning in Edge and IE


TripXpert PWA -


Missing changeLoadingMessage method of in TypeScript definitions


Accept a.m./p.m. as a valid date format


AutoFill increments seconds in DateTime format
Not-responding browser due to Spreadsheet selection with row numbers only
PV (Present Value) function return value is inconsistent with Excel
Wrong TypeScript definition for the Sheet.range() method
Sheets are incorrectly linked if the source sheet name starts with a number
Edit mode is not activated on Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
Wrong Spreadsheet absolute cell reference, when used for a range
Links keep their initial order, when column in Spreadsheet it sorted
Row header shifts up and down when the active cell is dragged with the drag handle
Undo does not restore the row's original height
Incorrect date conversion with date formatting
An error is thrown when serialize tojson and then reading it back with fromjson a workbook and pressing enter over the active cell
Column / Row resize handler appears in the wrong position for frozen columns / rows after scrolling to the right / down
Link in Spreadsheet cell does not redirect to the URL the first time it is clicked.
Spreadsheet does not calculate properly the height of a cell with wrapped text.
Not reset font-size when Spreadsheet's clear method is used with formatOnly: true
Spreadsheet navigation with Tab/Shift+Tab does not work properly, if the last/first column/row is hidden
Wrong number rounding when cell format is applied to a formula
Display all items after removing filtering for the Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet Redo does not behave properly
JS error thrown on clicking Cut/Copy/Paste buttons of Spreadsheet's toolbar or context menu, when Spreadsheet's content is loaded using .fromJSON() method
The row resize handle does not appear when the first column is hidden


Not defined Scheduler recurrence messages property deleteSeriesConfirmation


The Agenda view throws an error when no title is present for an event, even if a custom event template is used with no reference to the "title" field
data-auto-bind does not work in Scheduler MVVM
Scheduler DataSource throws "this.reader._wrapDataAccessBase is not a function" error upon editing, when configured with offlineStorage
Missing indicator for an all day event in adaptive Scheduler Month view
Displaced event indicators in adaptive Scheduler Month view
Not defined Scheduler recurrence messages property deleteSeriesConfirmation


Select items after loading items on scroll with virtual mapValueTo:dataItem


Virtual ComboBox does not populate its input with the selected item text, when the value is set programatically and the mapValueTo is set to dataItem
Unable to clear virtualized ComboBox value
ComboBox/MultiSelect/AutoComplete clear button does not clear the input on Chrome - Windows 10 touch devices
Default selected value not applied to select element used to initialize virtualized ComboBox
Selection problems with touch events in Chrome under Windows 8.1


Select items after loading items on scroll with virtual mapValueTo:dataItem


Focused state not removed on DropDownList blur
DropDownList can not be filtered on Windows tablet and Chrome
Touch events not properly triggered in Win10 devices, with keyboard and touch ability.
Focusing the filter input closes the popup immediately in Windows 10 Phone on Edge

Only for V.I.P
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