CnetSDK .NET Barcode Generator
CnetSDK .NET Barcode Generator
CnetSDK .NET Barcode Generator SDK is fully programmed in Visual C#. It is a stand-alone .NET barcode generation library, and no other .NET assemblies are required for your barcode generation application. It is used to encode, create and generate barcodes in multiple .NET applications, like ASP.NET web site, ASP.NET web application, .NET Windows Forms application, NET class library, .NET console application, etc. Bar code images can be drawn and print in memory or generate and encode to raster image files.
Full Compatibility
Fully written in C#.NET, this .NET barcode encoder & creator is compatible with Windows XP, Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 2.0, and all above versions, 32 or 64 bit. 1D and 2D bar codes generated & encoded are compatible with ISO/IEC barcode image specifications.
High Quality Barcodes
All linear and 2D barcodes generation features are compiled into a single .NET barcode generator & creator library dll. As for two-dimensional/2D barcodes, QR Code, PDF417, Data Matrix, and Aztec Code are supported. For linear/1D barcodes, Code 39, Code 128, EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A are...
Easy Barcode Creation
Simple to add .NET project reference to .NET barcode generator library dll, advanced bar code generating features are integrated. We provide mature .NET APIs for high quality bar code image encoding & drawing.
User-defined Properties
Each barcode symbology has its own properties that can be customized for special use. And our barcode generator library for .NET allows you to set and define barcode properties in your .NET barcode generation application.
Barcode Save & Output
All linear & 2d bar codes can be generated and exported as image files in your .NET desktop and web applications. In all, raster image files like JPG, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, and GIF are supported. Moreover, you can also encode barcode to a Byte array, Stream object or Bitmap object in .NET applications.
Independent Library DLL
CnetSDK .NET Barcode Generator & Creator dll is a stand-alone .NET library. It includes mature 1D & 2D barcodes generation & encoding features and can be used independently in your .NET barcode generation application. No other .NET assemblies or libraries are required for you...
Only for V.I.P
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