ZZZProjects LINQ To SQL Plus v1.1.2 (Bundle)
ZZZProjects LINQ To SQL Plus v1.1.2 (Bundle)
Extend your DataContext with high-performance bulk operations. LinqToSql Plus extends your DataContext with high-performance bulk operations: BulkInsert, BulkUpdate, BulkDelete, BulkMerge, and more.
LinqToSql Plus is a library that dramatically improves LinqToSql performances by using bulk and batch operations.
People using this library often report performance enhancement by 50x times and more!
Bulk Operations
Add flexibility to your toolbox to cover your scenarios with the best performance.
Bulk Insert
Bulk Update
Bulk Delete
Bulk Merge
Bulk Synchronize
Batch Operations (Coming Soon)
Perform your operations from LINQ Query without loading entities in the context.
Only for V.I.P
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