Aspose.Words for .NET- Manipulate, Convert and Render Word files to multiple formats as well as Generate Reports without any Microsoft Word

Aspose.Words for .NET v19.3.0 + Xamarin Edition

Aspose.Words for .NET v19.3.0 + Xamarin Edition
Aspose.Words for .NET v19.3.0 + Xamarin Edition

Aspose.Words for .NET is an advanced Word document processing API to perform a wide range of document management and manipulation tasks. API supports to generate, modify, convert, render and print documents without utilizing Microsoft Word directly within cross-platform applications. Moreover, API supports all the popular Word Processing file formats as well as allows exporting or converting Word documents to fixed-layout file formats and most commonly used image/multimedia formats.

By integrating API, some of the basic tasks developers can perform such as designing of fully featured Microsoft Word reports having standard mail merge fields, reliable conversion between several popular formats, high fidelity rendering of pages, formatting of all document elements and more.

Microsoft Word: DOC, DOCX, RTF, DOT, DOTX, DOTM, DOCM FlatOPC, FlatOpcMacroEnabled, FlatOpcTemplate, FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled
OpenOffice: ODT, OTT
WordprocessingML: WordML
Text: TXT

Output Only
Fixed Layout: PDF, PDF/A, XPS, OpenXPS, PostScript (PS)
Web: HtmlFixed
Others: PCL, EPUB, XamlFixed, XamlFlow, XamlFlowPack

Advanced .NET Word Document Processing API Features

Perform mail merge & generate reports Insert formatted text, paragraphs, images and tables Populate tables using data retrieved from database Create mailing labels Move sections between documents Mail merge data from multiple tables Add watermark to document Format date and numeric fields during mail merge Join documents Split documents Encrypt documents Load encrypted documents Find and replace text, enumerate over document content Preserve or extract OLE objects and ActiveX controls Preserve or remove VBA macros Preserve VBA macros' digital signature Detect digital signatures Insert HTML contents Interconvert document format Add bookmark in word files at deep level Convert EquationXML to Office Math Nested Reports are Supported by LINQ Reporting Engine Create Snip Corner Rectangle Save the resources of MHTML document using the "Content-Id" URL Scheme Show or Hide Comments in Fixed File Format Show Revisions in Balloons Write all CSS Declarations of HtmlFixed Documents into Single File

Microsft Word API Latest Features
C# Microsft Word API is continuously enhancing its power by adding more features. Here is list of few features, added recently.

Identify Style Separator Paragraph.
Generate tags for table of contents in PDF.
Add a border to a DML shape.
DOCX to PDF - additional gaps between characters in the printed text.
Change how text is vertically aligned within the Text Box.
Formatting the bar chart labels on the Y axis.
Add feature to preserve special content of DOC when it is converted to DOCX.
Comment and Editable ranges are allowed at Block node level now.
Keep indentation of Lists when saving as Text.
Preparing a suitable fall back list of free fonts.
Improve font substitution API.
Error handling in LINQ Reporting.

Popular Document Formats Conversion
Aspose.Words for .NET allows quick and reliable high-quality conversions to convert documents from any supported format to any other supported format like

Any word document including DOC, DOCX to PDF with high fidelity.
Any document to XPS format.
Any word file to SWF as well as the resultant SWF file contains an embedded viewer allowing the document to be viewed on any device.
Conversion to IDPF EPUB formats.
Save document to PCL format.

Render, Print or View Word Documents
Aspose.Words for .NET has its own rendering engine specially designed for rendering & printing with highest of fidelity to the Microsoft Word. Using this feature, developers can render (draw) any document page onto a .NET Graphic object while setting the size and zoom level to create thumbnails for displaying images in the browser. Moreover, API is fully integrated with the .NET printing infrastructure and have the ability to completely customize the process, so that developers can easily print or preview documents within their own applications

Few of the rendering capabilities that API can perform

Render pages or full documents to PDF, XPS or SWF.
Document pages to images including but limited to PNG, EMF, JPEG, GIF.
Individual document shapes into raster or vector images.
Render pages or shapes to a .NET Graphics object with transforms.

Programming with Document Object Model
Aspose.Words for .NET allows you to create, build and modify documents - including document formatting with an intuitive document object model that consists of over 100 classes. Some of the manipulation features that API can perform

Manipulate all document elements including but not limited to sections, headers, footers, paragraphs, lists, tables, text, fields and much more.
Specify detailed formatting for any document element including shapes, text boxes, images, OLE objects and controls.
API can easily deal complex and deeply nested expressions containing IF blocks, formulas and other fields.
Provides utility features such as joining or splitting documents, copying fragments between documents, protecting and unprotecting documents and a lot more.

Reporting & Mail Merge
Aspose.Words for .NET provides LINQ Reporting Engine to generate documents based upon template documents and data from different sources including databases, XML, JSON, OData, objects of custom CLR types, external documents, and more out of the box. API's Reporting Engine supports

Repeatable and conditional document blocks.
Dynamically generated charts and images.
Insertion of outer documents and HTML blocks into a document.
Various types of data sources for the creation of a single document.
Built-in support of data relations.
WYSIWYG generated document as of the corresponding template.
Additionally, developers can use API's extended syntax for mail merge fields to perform more complex operations during mail merge operations such as inserting images or repeatable regions. The data to drive your reports or mail merges can come from an ADO.NET data table, business objects or from a completely custom data source.

Microsoft Office Automation - Not Needed
Aspose.Words for .NET is built using managed code that does not need Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word to be installed on the machine to work with Word document formats. It is a perfect Microsoft Office automation alternative in terms of supported features, security, stability, scalability, speed and price.

Only for V.I.P
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