DevArt Entity Developer v6.5.823 Professional - Entity, Developer, Framework, NHibernate, fixed, templates, Model, Visual, models, First

DevArt Entity Developer v6.5.823 Professional

DevArt Entity Developer v6.5.823 Professional
DevArt Entity Developer v6.5.823 Professional

Entity Developer is a powerful ORM designer for ADO.NET Entity Framework, NHibernate, LinqConnect, and LINQ to SQL. You can use Model-First and Database-First approaches to design your ORM model and generate C# or Visual Basic .NET code for it. It introduces new approaches for designing ORM models, boosts productivity, and facilitates the development of database applications.

Visual ORM Model Designer with Code Generation
Entity Developer allows you to create and edit NHibernate, Entity Framework, LinqConnect, and LINQ to SQL models visually, without typing a line of XML code. It supports creating all kinds of mapping, such as table splitting, mapping entity to several tables, complex types, inheritance hierarchies, creating entities from SELECT statements and methods from SQL code, etc. Code generation is very flexible due to using T4-like templates, allowing virtually anything you may want for code generation. C# and VB code can be generated for your model out-of-the-box, and you may even create your own templates for other programming languages.

Multiple ORM Support
Entity Developer supports NHibernate, Entity Framework, LinqConnect, and LINQ to SQL models. It offers a separate edition for each of the supported ORMs and the Professional Edition supporting all the three ORMs. Entity Developer for NHibernate and Entity Developer for Entity Framework allow designing NHibernate and Entity Framework models. See the Compatibility page for the list of ADO.NET providers, supported for these ORMs. Entity Developer for LINQ to SQL uses Microsoft SqlClient to connect to database. Entity Developer is also included to the professional edition of dotConnect for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, and Salesforce and to LinqConnect.

Powerful Code Generation
Entity Developer provides powerful T4-like template-based code generation framework. It offers you a number of predefined templates for different use cases. They are templates for generating context, entities, and mapping, with support for fluent, attribute, and XML mapping, both persistence aware and persistence ignorant (POCO) entities, support for validation framework for entity property values validation, etc. Additional templates offer functionality of automatic generating MVC Controller and views, Data Transfer Objects with converter classes for entities, Data Annotations metadata classes and other features. All these templates provide a number of settings for rich configuration capabilities, and if these are not enough, you even can create your own templates.

6.5.823 12-Sep-19

The integration with Visual Studio 2019 is improved: now the installation detects both 2019 Release and 2019 Preview versions
The behaviour is changed: a plural form of names ending with "s" now has a longer version (for example, status -> statuses)
The bug with invalid attempt to cast unsupported Visual Studio project to type 'VSLangProj.VSProject' is fixed
The bug with detecting FK relation based on unique index without unique constraint is fixed (SQL Server)

NHibernate support
The bug with naming of a composing unique key by Create Model Wizard / Update From Database Wizard is fixed

Entity Framework support
Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 9 is supported for projects with target framework .NET Core 3 or .NET Standard 2.1
The bug with default Model-First mapping of System.DateTimeOffset in EF Core 2 model is fixed (SQL Server)
The bug with code generation in EF Core is fixed (MySQL Connector/NET)
The bug with copying a property with Primary Key=True / Entity Key=True to a complex type is fixed
The bug with naming of a composing unique key by Create Model Wizard / Update From Database Wizard in EF Core is fixed

Only for V.I.P
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