Aspose Slides for .NET v19.9 with License Key - .NET API for PowerPoint File Formats

Aspose Slides for .NET v19.9

Aspose Slides for .NET v19.9
Aspose Slides for .NET v19.9

Standalone API to read, write, manipulate & convert PowerPoint files to PDF, PDF/A, XPS, TIFF, HTML, ODP and other formats. Aspose.Slides for .NET is a unique presentation processing API that enables applications to read, write, modify and convert PowerPoint presentations. Being a standalone API, It provides the functionality to manage PowerPoint key features such as managing text, shapes, tables & animations, adding audio and video to slides, previewing slides and more without requiring Microsoft PowerPoint.

Aspose.Slides for .NET supports most of the Microsoft PowerPoint formats for processing and manipulation. Moreover, API offers a number of advanced features such as printing and rendering presentation slides to fixed-layout formats, HTML & images.

OpenOffice: ODP

Output Only
Fixed Layout: PDF, PDF/A, XPS

Advanced PowerPoint Processing API Features

Create new slides or clone existing slides from templates Work with PowerPoint tables Apply or remove the protection on shapes Embed Excel charts as OLE objects in slides Support for Linked Ole Objects Generate presentations from database Protect presentations & resultant PDF Print PowerPoint presentations Create & customize charts

Reliably Convert Presentations to PDF, TIFF or XPS
Aspose.Slides for .NET has its own rendering engine, specially designed for rendering with highest of fidelity to the Microsoft PowerPoint. This feature allows you to export presentations to a number of standard formats such as PDF, TIFF and XPS with results identical to the original presentation. Moreover, in order to export a presentation, you only need to load the presentation file and call the save method along with the desired output format. It is that simple!

Detailed Formatting of Presentation Contents
It is possible to format text and shapes on slides in a presentation using Aspose.Slides for .NET API. Text is managed through text frames associated with shapes. Hence text is formatted using paragraphs and portions associated with the text frames. You can also manipulate attributes of shape element like position, size, line, image, text and fill.

SmartArt Creation, Manipulation & Formatting
Aspose.Slides for .NET facilitates in creating SmartArt shapes from scratch as well as provides the ability to access, manipulate or remove existing SmartArt shapes from a slide. Furthermore, the .NET Presentation API provides the ability to add, remove or iterate the nodes of a SmartArt. It is also possible to dynamically modify the SmartArt's appearance such as setting style, color & layout.

Set Security Constraints on Presentations
Aspose.Slides for .NET API provides the facility to lock presentation files in order to protect the contents from changing. It also supports password protection for presentation files as well as for the converted PDF file. Moreover, you may set read-only access mode for the generated presentations and its document properties.

Create Thumbnails of Presentation Slides
Aspose.Slides for .NET allows to create thumbnails of the presentation slides so that you may distribute slide images to those users who do not have the PowerPoint application installed on their machines or you may use images in your custom websites; the possibilities are limitless.

Microsoft Office Automation – Not Needed
Aspose.Slides for .NET is built using managed code that does not need Microsoft Office or Microsoft PowerPoint to be installed on the machine to work with PowerPoint document formats. It is a perfect Microsoft Office automation alternative in terms of supported features, security, stability, scale-ability, speed and price.

Only for V.I.P
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