Janus WinForms v3.5.115 Cracked

Janus WinForms v3.5.115

Janus WinForms v3.5.115
Janus WinForms v3.5.115

The Janus GridEX Control for .NET is a 100% C# managed control that has been totally revamped to better take advantage of Microsoft’s .NET framework capabilities; The control has most features you could expect from a Grid and more.

Binding: Janus GridEX for .NET is a data-aware, fully editable component that can be bound to any table in a dataset or to any other data source that supports IList, ITypedList or IBindingList interfaces.

The Janus GridEX for .NET does not sacrifice any group, sort or filter capabilities, when it is bound to any of the previously mentioned interfaces.

Editing: The control has several “built-in” editors like: MaskEdit, CheckBox, UpDown, Calendar DropDown, Combo* and DropDown Controls. The GridEX for .NET control also permits you to define a “custom EditType” for a column.

*The Combo EditType can have several columns and also has “Type ahead” functionality.

Appearance: The control offers many advanced formatting features that will give the programmer total control over how data is displayed. New in the .NET version are enhancements to FormatStyles like support for Gradients, Blend colors and Transparency (Alpha Blending).

Custom Drawing, Watermarks and Support for Windows XP Visual Styles were also added to provide a rich UI appearance to modern applications.

Preview Rows and ColumnSets: Preview Rows provide a robust interface element, using them you can "preview" one of your data columns below each row, much like Microsoft Outlook does but now with the use of GridEX ColumnSets you can also present one record in more than one row and even have columns spanning across several rows. ColumnSets can also be used while the control is in CardView.

Filtering: Janus GridEX for .NET is now more functional than ever with the addition of FilterConditions, where you can define simple or complex conditions that can be used to filter, format, summarize or find rows which conform to the criteria. The new filter capabilities of the gridex control are so powerful that you could filter rows in a parent table depending on criteria met in a child table.

The Control also presents a new MS Access like Filter Row which permits users to easily filter the data presented in the control.

Formatting: Cell, and Row Level conditional formatting can be done effortlessly using FormatConditions, Now you can specify a simple condition for a format or use the new FilterCondition property to have compound conditions which greatly reduces the code you would have to write for complex formatting calculations, also new in this version is the ability to merge 2 or more Formats in a single row for cells meeting specific criteria.

Printing: GridEX Control for .NET library also includes a GridEXPrintDocument component to easily achieve WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) printing of the data presented by the control.

With the GridEXPrintDocument component you can define page headers and footers for your documents. To be able to print a range of pages you can define the FromPage, ToPage properties in the printer settings. When it is necessary to know ahead how many pages a document will have, the GridEXPrintDocument includes a PrepareDocument method which paginates the document before starting the print job.

GridEXPrintDocument component can be used with the PrintPreviewDialog or PrintPreviewControl to provide your apps with a customizable Preview Window.

Master-Detail The Janus GridEX for .NET control now adds support for binding to hierarchical DataSets and present master-detail information within the same window.

Summarize dаta: Sometimes grouping is not enough and there are situations where you need an easy way to see a sum, average or count for certain columns within a group, this can be easily achieved using GroupFooters, In the new GridEX for .NET control you can even see those footers when groups are collapsed, or present a total for certain columns in the group headers or even present totals using only those records which meet the criteria specified in a FilterCondition.

Gridex can also present a total row per each table which is very handy feature when working with master-detail relationships.

CardView: The practical CardView is enhanced with support for multicolumn layouts and the ability to expand or collapse cards. Showing a single record in CardView is also supported in this new version.

Standalone Input Controls: MaskEdit, MultiColumn Combo, Integer UpDow and ValueList UpDown standalone controls are included with Janus GridEX Control for .NET Library.

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