NCrunch v4.2 for Visual Studio 2008-2019

NCrunch v4.2 for Visual Studio 2008-2019

NCrunch v4.2 for Visual Studio 2008-2019
NCrunch v4.2 for Visual Studio 2008-2019

It intelligently runs automated tests so that you don't have to, and gives you a huge amount of useful information about your tested code, such as code coverage and performance metrics, inline in your IDE while you type.

Automatic Concurrent Testing
A normal cycle of test driven development makes you stop to run your tests so often that it's just plain painful. Think about the steps you usually go through:

Write the test
Stop and run the test
Write the code under test
Stop and run tests
Refactor the code under test
Stop and run tests
Drink some coffee and repeat

NCrunch takes away all the pain and leaves a warm happy feeling behind. So you end up with:

Write the test
Write the code under test
Refactor the code under test
Be happy, drink some coffee and repeat!

Code Coverage
NCrunch collects test coverage for your code while it runs your tests.

This is shown next to your code in coloured markers showing which lines the tests touched, with marker colours indicating pass or fail status.

You can also navigate to any covering tests from any line of code, making it easy to see which tests you might impact with a change.

Full code coverage metrics are also available for your entire solution, allowing you to see where your code coverage is heavy and where it's light.

Performance Metrics
NCrunch profiles your tests during their execution to pick up the execution time of every line of code under test.

Metrics are shown inline conveniently with a tooltip, and 'hot spots' are shown with special colouring on the code coverage markers.

Inline Exception Details
The stack traces of exceptions thrown from your tests are processed by NCrunch and projected over the code coverage markers.

This makes it really easy to spot where your tests went wrong, without the information getting in your way.

No matter where you are in your source code, you'll be able to analyse problems quickly and without fuss.

Intelligent Test Execution
NCrunch tracks all sorts of interesting statistics about your tests, and it uses this information in the most intelligent way possible.

Tests that you have recently impacted with your code changes are highly prioritised for execution.

NCrunch uses a powerful weighting system designed to give you the most important feedback as fast as possible.

Distributed Processing
NCrunch can offload build and test work to other computers for processing.

Tasks are cleanly farmed out to any number of connected machines, forming grids to execute tests.

Grid servers can be shared between developers allowing teams to pool their resources.

Grids can even be scaled into the cloud to maximise testing throughput.

Distributed processing with NCrunch is highly effective, allowing concurrent execution of dozens or possibly even hundreds of tests at any one time.

Release notes for since version v4.1.0.1

This version of NCrunch introduces changes to the grid protocol. This means that grid node servers
must be updated before they can be used with the new version.

Fixed an issue where NCrunch might fail to a build a project that has a PackageReference where the
package declares an explicit FrameworkReference.

Fixed an internal exception that could be thrown when processing files with a rare structure under
NCrunch's optimised mode.

Fixed an issue that was causing debugger evaluation problems in async methods when using NCrunch
under optimised mode.

Fixed a problem when certain packages where used that would result in only compileOnly packages in
the workspace taskrunner deps.json file. This would cause IPC exceptions when trying to build able
test environment.

Fixed a compatibility problem with .NET Core 3.0 that was causing NCrunch to experience assembly
resolution problems when running tests declared in projects referencing ASP.NET Core Web Applications.

Fixed an issue that was preventing NCrunch from being able to process test projects referencing x64
ASP.NET assemblies under .NET Core 3.0.

Fixed MSTest TestCategory attributes not being detected at fixture level under optimised mode.

Fixed MSTest DataRow tests with params as a test method parameter.

Fixed an issue that was causing the debugger to step into missing code intermittently during a debug

Fixed an issue that was causing corruption of some assemblies making use of the CIL tail instruction
under NCrunch's optimised mode.

Implemented a speculative fix for the resolution of unspecified versions of mscorlib during optimised

Fixed an issue that was preventing local variables from being correctly detected during debug sessions
involving portable PDBs under NCrunch's optimised instrumentation mode.

Fixed inability to correctly process x64 assemblies built by the FSharp compiler under optimised mode.

Added validation to the CPU core assignment settings in the NCrunch configuration.

Fixed some rendering issues when running Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10 with .NET Framework 4.8 and
a multi monitor setup with different scaling factors.

Hardened the handling of type resolution during optimised hashing to avoid blowing up the build task
if an assembly's inheritance structure is in an unconventional form.

Improved the error handling in the optimised instrumentation to try and give more information about
the source of problems.

Introduced a speculative fix to resolve problems with optimised manipulation of contructor calls that
have been manipulated by other tools (such as IL weavers).

Implemented a speculative fix for an instrumentation exception thrown under optimised mode.

Prevented an exception being thrown when editing configuration values that first fail validation and
are subsequently corrected and stored.

Only for V.I.P
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