Stimulsoft Ultimate 2021.1.1 with Crack and Keys
Stimulsoft Ultimate 2021.1.1 with Crack and Keys
Stimulsoft Ultimate is a universal set of tools for creating reports and dashboards. The product includes a complete set of tools for WinForms, ASP.NET, .NET Core, jаvascript, WPF, PHP, Java, and other environments. We provide easy-to-use and, at the same time, fully functional designer. You may create reports and dashboards for any of the supported platforms. Special wizards and editors will help you to cope with any task easily.
Our reports and dashboards have a unified format for more than 15 platforms. Our reports are created in a recognizable and consistent visual interface. We offer the same approaches and practices in designing reports, standardized user manuals, and video tutorials.
We have a wide range of tools for creating informative dashboards and sophisticated reports. Texts, images, graphics, indicators, bar-codes, primitives, and other components, a large set of preset styles, special wizards will allow you to quickly and efficiently implement your ideas.
You can configure the Chart element in the special editor. In order to call the chart editor, you should:
Double-click the left mouse button;
Select the Chart item and select the Design command in the context menu;
Select the Chart item, and, on the property panel, click the Browse button for the Values, Arguments or Series properties.
In the chart editor, you can do the following:
Specify data fields with values for the chart;
Specify chart arguments;
Specify the rows of the chart;
Choose a chart type;
Modify the expression of the selected item.
Do users of your applications want to change the reports and dashboards? No problem! The report designer can be launched from your application at any time. Just one line of code and your clients can make the necessary changes in templates!
Stimulsoft Ultimate is an excellent offer for those who use several platforms in application development, such as Windows Forms, ASP.NET, .NET Core, jаvascript, WPF, PHP, Java, and others.
Sometimes it is necessary to add images to reports. They can be photos of goods, images of colleagues etc. Sometimes it is necessary to place a company logo. The Image component is used to output images. This component supports the following types of images: BMP, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, ICO, EMF and WMF.
New Features:
The ability to select an icon for the "Image" component on the properties panel in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The OpenConnection function for HTML5 designer was added. With this new option, you can configure and set custom request headers (for example, authorization).
A new data adapter for connecting to the Google BigQuery data store and retreiving data from this service was added.
Added the ability to configure restrictions for a specific variable.
The ability to use expressions when conditionally formatting the "Chart" element on the dashboard was added.
The ability to use predefined styles when conditionally formatting report components was added.
The ability to use expressions when conditionally formatting the "Chart" element on the dashboard was added.
The ability for node.js to specify header and "crypt" command when using remote URL in data adapter was fixed.
Support for Antiforgery Token in the HTML5 Viewer ad HTML5 Designer for .NET Core and .NET 5 was added.
Export to PDF now supports the 'href' HTML tag.
Export to Word now supports for the 'href' HTML tag.
The "MonthIdent" function now supports an abbreviation of the month.
The new "Table of Contents" component is added to the report engine.
The ability to drag and drop columns in the "Table" element when viewing the dashboard was added.
The "Size" property is added to the "Dimension" columns of the "Table" element. Also, the "Word Wrap" property is added to the "Table" element.
The "Frozen Columns" property is added to the "Table" element.
The new "Show Total" property was added to the columns and rows headers of the pivot element.
The "Total Label" property is added to the pivot's columns and rows.
PDO data adapters for MS SQL, MySQL, Firebird, Oracle, and PostgreSQL data storages were added.
Added support for icon scalability when viewing reports in WPF.
Support for an extended list of items for the "Shape" menu on the WPF v1 report designer toolbox was added.
The ability to configure report viewing options in the WPF v2 report designer was added.
Added the ability to switch between editable "Check Box" components using the Tab key when viewing reports in the WPF viewer.
The algorithm for designing reports using the wizard in the WPF report designer was updated and optimized.
The algorithm for displaying the "Map" component editor in the WPF report designer was updated.
The algorithm for processing and filling the background of labels for the "Chart" component in the WPF report designer was optimized.
The algorithm for processing and displaying icons in the "Image" component when editing a report in WPF v1 was updated.
Editors of the "Image" component in the WPF v1 and WPF v2 report designers were optimized and synchronized.
Culture editors in WPF v1 and WPF v2 report designers were optimized and synchronized.
The algorithm for displaying a thumbnail of the current style of an element on the Ribbon tab in the report designer was updated.
The algorithm for displaying the available styles in the property panel for the "Sparkline" component in the WPF report designer was updated.
The algorithm for calling the "Get Started" window in the WPF report designer was updated.
The report caching algorithm was updated and optimized.
The algorithm for processing a dashboard table with a large number of data rows was updated and optimized.
The editor for setting colors in the report designer was updated.
A menu for creating XML connection in the report designer was updated.
Updated and optimized the algorithm for calling the filtering menu with a large number of data lines.
Some improvements in the country codes while searching in the "Map" element.
Resizing of the "Cross-Tab" editor form was added.
The "Sort" property of the "Cross-Tab" component is hidden now because it is not been frequently used.
The dashboard engine now supports real-time refreshing of the text element, which contains the Time variable.
Some improvements regarding the flickering of the dashboard viewer via processing the "Refresh Time" property.
The algorithm for updating dashboard components using a timer in the WPF viewer has been optimized.
Updated the algorithm for adding outline strokes in report wizards.
The algorithm for drawing templates of styles for the "Cross-Tab" component on the Ribbon panel in the report designer has been updated.
The algorithm for displaying the "File" menu in the WPF report designer was optimized.
Updated the algorithm for displaying the user avatar on the WPF Ribbon tab of the report designer.
Fixed Bugs:
A bug with loading a report file that contains a dashboard into the WPF report designer was fixed.
An error in the editor of the "Data" band, when using a business object as a data source for this band, was fixed.
The error with displaying thumbnails of custom styles for the "Map" component on the Ribbon tab in the WPF report designer was fixed.
Fixed a bug with the icon size when changing scale in GIS maps.
A bug with double clicking the "Submit" button on the parameters panel in the viewer was fixed.
An issue with applying custom styles for the "Map" component in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The error with editing an array of values for the "Color" property on the properties panel in the WPF v2 report designer was fixed.
An issue with selecting a segment of a map to which a custom style is applied was fixed.
Fixed an issue with losing a focus in the WPF v2 report designer when closing modal windows of component editors.
The error with saving the value for the "Color Each" parameter when editing the "Map" component in the WPF report designer was fixed.
A problem with moving component editors when they are called by double clicking in the WPF report designer was fixed.
A problem with creating Australia and Austria maps when designing a report in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The error when loading a dashboard thumbnail in the Demo WPF application was fixed.
A problem with applying the date format to variable values when editing a report in WPF report designer was fixed.
A bug with adding .mrt extension to a file when saving a report from the web designer was fixed.
The error displaying barcodes when viewing a report was fixed.
A problem with displaying a "Tooltip" when hovering over dashboard elements was fixed.
Fixed a bug with color editor for chart series.
A problem with the position of the interactive sort icon in reports was fixed.
The error with specifying the current page of the report template when switching to the Preview tab was fixed.
A bug with filling a company information when designing a report using the New Report Wizard was fixed.
A problem with copying and pasting report bands to the clipboard was fixed.
The error with calculating the position of the scroll bar in the "Table" element was fixed.
The error with using variables with DateTime data type was fixed.
A problem with chart labels that appeared after animation was fixed.
The error with authentication when creating a connection to the data storage using the OData v3 protocol was fixed.
The error with displaying values for a scatter chart was fixed.
An issue with processing of SQL parameters if they are not present in the report data dictionary was fixed.
Some problems occurred when using JS components for the Vue.js platform. .
Some issues with loading modules in custom projects was fixed.
The error with processing custom values of a "List" type variable was fixed.
The algorithm for processing some functions in dashboards was updated and optimized.
The issue with displaying errors when using SQL data sources was fixed.
A bug with checking encryption commands in data adapters was fixed.
Some bugs with zipped files of the product packages was fixed.
A bug with processing the "Table" element with filters installed in Stimulsoft Designer.JS was fixed.
The issue with saving resources when working with components in Node.js was fixed.
The ability to use asynchronous or synchronous mode in the report generator engine was added.
The issue with the "Length under Labels" property for the chart axis was fixed.
Export to Word. LineSpacing for Microsoft YaHei on the China version of Windows now should work correctly.
Export to Excel. The control character in the text could cause the broken file output.
The issue with the CheckBox painting, if no Wingding font installed, was fixed.
QRCode. Now the MatrixSize property works correctly.
Report engine. VirtualSource.Filter And/Or now works in the interpretation mode.
The ToCurrencyWordsEs function now uses the correct gender for currency.
Export to PDF. The exception occured on OpenType fonts in NetCore.
Export toTXT. The 'Out of range' exception on some reports.
The DataMatrix barcode. Fixed the issue with the 'Out of range' exception occured on empty data.
Report engine. RichText.Break on Win7 now works slower but more precise.
Reports engine. The bookmarks were shown for Disabled bands.
The Bubble column was not correctly shown.
QRCode. The errorCorrectionLevel property was not applied. It always was the Level1.
Report engine. For UnlimitedHeight, an extra height segment was added.
A bug with CodePages library dependencies in NuGet packages for .NET Core Framework was fixed.
The issue with the "TopN" property for chart series was fixed.
Drawing of the Progress element for high order numbers was optimized.
A problem with multiple saving of the Cookie Container in the report object was fixed.
Errors occurred when clicking Disable Buttons in File Menu.
Designer.Wpf V2. An error occured when selecting a Custom style from the PropertyGrid.
Viewer.Wpf. An error occured if SVG was set in the image of the Watermark page.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. Some maps displayed incorrect lables.
Designer.Wpf V2. An error occurred if you first execute the Close command of the current report, and then open any other.
Designer.Wpf V2. StiImage Editor - the Close button did not close.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. Long filters for the Chart component were displayed incorrectly.
Designer.Wpf V2. Themes were not applied correctly when using StiDesignerControl.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. In ListBox, SelectAll did not display CheckBox.
DesignerWpf V2. The error occurred when selecting a color in ColorPicker.
Viewer.Wpf. If you open the search panel, then the next scaling of the report caused the error.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. In the Table component, the selection from the default selected row was not cleared.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. The Table component had incorrect text color when selecting a row.
Designer .Wpf V2. The wrong editor was called when editing the "Text" property of the "StiText" component from the property panel.
The "First Row Is Header" property was not saved to the JSON format of the report.
Incorrect specification of default values for the "onclick" property in the Indicator element was fixed.
Some looping issues during the report rendering of the clone component were fixed.
Some issues with not loading data into the "Map" component from the data transformation source was fixed.
Now you can change properties of each table column in the Property panel by clicking on the table column header.
When publishing a report, a bug with a closing braсket in the license key was fixed.
Fixed an issue with duplicating names in the custom fonts category in the font selection menu.
The availability of "StiDesignerControl" in the Visual Studio toolbox is reverted.
A bug related to measures in the text component was fixed.
Incorrect naming of the column label of the table element was fixed.
The error with using the digital signature when exporting a report to a PDF documen was fixedt.
The error related to the processing of the "href" tag when exporting a report to a PDF document was fixed.
Some issues with styles in the Cross-tab editor were fixed.
The error with the NPE processing in InitVars action was fixed.
A bug with resetting the filter of the "Chart" element when viewing a dashboard in WPF was fixed.
A bug with opening a hyperlink when clicking on the "Chart" component was fixed.
Displaying of icons for various types of the "Chart" component on the WPF report designer toolbar was fixed.
The algorithm of drawing the "Gauge" elements when they intersect on the dashboard was fixed.
The error with inheriting the value for the "Fore Color" property when creating a style of the "Indicator" type was fixed.
The error when selecting the HTML report view mode in the WPF v2 report designer was fixed.
A problem with displacement of the watermark with a non-standard report page size in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The error with handling incorrect property values in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The ability to select an icon for the "Image" component on the properties panel in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The OpenConnection function for HTML5 designer was added. With this new option, you can configure and set custom request headers (for example, authorization).
A new data adapter for connecting to the Google BigQuery data store and retreiving data from this service was added.
Added the ability to configure restrictions for a specific variable.
The ability to use expressions when conditionally formatting the "Chart" element on the dashboard was added.
The ability to use predefined styles when conditionally formatting report components was added.
The ability to use expressions when conditionally formatting the "Chart" element on the dashboard was added.
The ability for node.js to specify header and "crypt" command when using remote URL in data adapter was fixed.
Support for Antiforgery Token in the HTML5 Viewer ad HTML5 Designer for .NET Core and .NET 5 was added.
Export to PDF now supports the 'href' HTML tag.
Export to Word now supports for the 'href' HTML tag.
The "MonthIdent" function now supports an abbreviation of the month.
The new "Table of Contents" component is added to the report engine.
The ability to drag and drop columns in the "Table" element when viewing the dashboard was added.
The "Size" property is added to the "Dimension" columns of the "Table" element. Also, the "Word Wrap" property is added to the "Table" element.
The "Frozen Columns" property is added to the "Table" element.
The new "Show Total" property was added to the columns and rows headers of the pivot element.
The "Total Label" property is added to the pivot's columns and rows.
PDO data adapters for MS SQL, MySQL, Firebird, Oracle, and PostgreSQL data storages were added.
Added support for icon scalability when viewing reports in WPF.
Support for an extended list of items for the "Shape" menu on the WPF v1 report designer toolbox was added.
The ability to configure report viewing options in the WPF v2 report designer was added.
Added the ability to switch between editable "Check Box" components using the Tab key when viewing reports in the WPF viewer.
The algorithm for designing reports using the wizard in the WPF report designer was updated and optimized.
The algorithm for displaying the "Map" component editor in the WPF report designer was updated.
The algorithm for processing and filling the background of labels for the "Chart" component in the WPF report designer was optimized.
The algorithm for processing and displaying icons in the "Image" component when editing a report in WPF v1 was updated.
Editors of the "Image" component in the WPF v1 and WPF v2 report designers were optimized and synchronized.
Culture editors in WPF v1 and WPF v2 report designers were optimized and synchronized.
The algorithm for displaying a thumbnail of the current style of an element on the Ribbon tab in the report designer was updated.
The algorithm for displaying the available styles in the property panel for the "Sparkline" component in the WPF report designer was updated.
The algorithm for calling the "Get Started" window in the WPF report designer was updated.
The report caching algorithm was updated and optimized.
The algorithm for processing a dashboard table with a large number of data rows was updated and optimized.
The editor for setting colors in the report designer was updated.
A menu for creating XML connection in the report designer was updated.
Updated and optimized the algorithm for calling the filtering menu with a large number of data lines.
Some improvements in the country codes while searching in the "Map" element.
Resizing of the "Cross-Tab" editor form was added.
The "Sort" property of the "Cross-Tab" component is hidden now because it is not been frequently used.
The dashboard engine now supports real-time refreshing of the text element, which contains the Time variable.
Some improvements regarding the flickering of the dashboard viewer via processing the "Refresh Time" property.
The algorithm for updating dashboard components using a timer in the WPF viewer has been optimized.
Updated the algorithm for adding outline strokes in report wizards.
The algorithm for drawing templates of styles for the "Cross-Tab" component on the Ribbon panel in the report designer has been updated.
The algorithm for displaying the "File" menu in the WPF report designer was optimized.
Updated the algorithm for displaying the user avatar on the WPF Ribbon tab of the report designer.
Fixed Bugs:
A bug with loading a report file that contains a dashboard into the WPF report designer was fixed.
An error in the editor of the "Data" band, when using a business object as a data source for this band, was fixed.
The error with displaying thumbnails of custom styles for the "Map" component on the Ribbon tab in the WPF report designer was fixed.
Fixed a bug with the icon size when changing scale in GIS maps.
A bug with double clicking the "Submit" button on the parameters panel in the viewer was fixed.
An issue with applying custom styles for the "Map" component in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The error with editing an array of values for the "Color" property on the properties panel in the WPF v2 report designer was fixed.
An issue with selecting a segment of a map to which a custom style is applied was fixed.
Fixed an issue with losing a focus in the WPF v2 report designer when closing modal windows of component editors.
The error with saving the value for the "Color Each" parameter when editing the "Map" component in the WPF report designer was fixed.
A problem with moving component editors when they are called by double clicking in the WPF report designer was fixed.
A problem with creating Australia and Austria maps when designing a report in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The error when loading a dashboard thumbnail in the Demo WPF application was fixed.
A problem with applying the date format to variable values when editing a report in WPF report designer was fixed.
A bug with adding .mrt extension to a file when saving a report from the web designer was fixed.
The error displaying barcodes when viewing a report was fixed.
A problem with displaying a "Tooltip" when hovering over dashboard elements was fixed.
Fixed a bug with color editor for chart series.
A problem with the position of the interactive sort icon in reports was fixed.
The error with specifying the current page of the report template when switching to the Preview tab was fixed.
A bug with filling a company information when designing a report using the New Report Wizard was fixed.
A problem with copying and pasting report bands to the clipboard was fixed.
The error with calculating the position of the scroll bar in the "Table" element was fixed.
The error with using variables with DateTime data type was fixed.
A problem with chart labels that appeared after animation was fixed.
The error with authentication when creating a connection to the data storage using the OData v3 protocol was fixed.
The error with displaying values for a scatter chart was fixed.
An issue with processing of SQL parameters if they are not present in the report data dictionary was fixed.
Some problems occurred when using JS components for the Vue.js platform. .
Some issues with loading modules in custom projects was fixed.
The error with processing custom values of a "List" type variable was fixed.
The algorithm for processing some functions in dashboards was updated and optimized.
The issue with displaying errors when using SQL data sources was fixed.
A bug with checking encryption commands in data adapters was fixed.
Some bugs with zipped files of the product packages was fixed.
A bug with processing the "Table" element with filters installed in Stimulsoft Designer.JS was fixed.
The issue with saving resources when working with components in Node.js was fixed.
The ability to use asynchronous or synchronous mode in the report generator engine was added.
The issue with the "Length under Labels" property for the chart axis was fixed.
Export to Word. LineSpacing for Microsoft YaHei on the China version of Windows now should work correctly.
Export to Excel. The control character in the text could cause the broken file output.
The issue with the CheckBox painting, if no Wingding font installed, was fixed.
QRCode. Now the MatrixSize property works correctly.
Report engine. VirtualSource.Filter And/Or now works in the interpretation mode.
The ToCurrencyWordsEs function now uses the correct gender for currency.
Export to PDF. The exception occured on OpenType fonts in NetCore.
Export toTXT. The 'Out of range' exception on some reports.
The DataMatrix barcode. Fixed the issue with the 'Out of range' exception occured on empty data.
Report engine. RichText.Break on Win7 now works slower but more precise.
Reports engine. The bookmarks were shown for Disabled bands.
The Bubble column was not correctly shown.
QRCode. The errorCorrectionLevel property was not applied. It always was the Level1.
Report engine. For UnlimitedHeight, an extra height segment was added.
A bug with CodePages library dependencies in NuGet packages for .NET Core Framework was fixed.
The issue with the "TopN" property for chart series was fixed.
Drawing of the Progress element for high order numbers was optimized.
A problem with multiple saving of the Cookie Container in the report object was fixed.
Errors occurred when clicking Disable Buttons in File Menu.
Designer.Wpf V2. An error occured when selecting a Custom style from the PropertyGrid.
Viewer.Wpf. An error occured if SVG was set in the image of the Watermark page.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. Some maps displayed incorrect lables.
Designer.Wpf V2. An error occurred if you first execute the Close command of the current report, and then open any other.
Designer.Wpf V2. StiImage Editor - the Close button did not close.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. Long filters for the Chart component were displayed incorrectly.
Designer.Wpf V2. Themes were not applied correctly when using StiDesignerControl.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. In ListBox, SelectAll did not display CheckBox.
DesignerWpf V2. The error occurred when selecting a color in ColorPicker.
Viewer.Wpf. If you open the search panel, then the next scaling of the report caused the error.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. In the Table component, the selection from the default selected row was not cleared.
Dbs Viewer.Wpf. The Table component had incorrect text color when selecting a row.
Designer .Wpf V2. The wrong editor was called when editing the "Text" property of the "StiText" component from the property panel.
The "First Row Is Header" property was not saved to the JSON format of the report.
Incorrect specification of default values for the "onclick" property in the Indicator element was fixed.
Some looping issues during the report rendering of the clone component were fixed.
Some issues with not loading data into the "Map" component from the data transformation source was fixed.
Now you can change properties of each table column in the Property panel by clicking on the table column header.
When publishing a report, a bug with a closing braсket in the license key was fixed.
Fixed an issue with duplicating names in the custom fonts category in the font selection menu.
The availability of "StiDesignerControl" in the Visual Studio toolbox is reverted.
A bug related to measures in the text component was fixed.
Incorrect naming of the column label of the table element was fixed.
The error with using the digital signature when exporting a report to a PDF documen was fixedt.
The error related to the processing of the "href" tag when exporting a report to a PDF document was fixed.
Some issues with styles in the Cross-tab editor were fixed.
The error with the NPE processing in InitVars action was fixed.
A bug with resetting the filter of the "Chart" element when viewing a dashboard in WPF was fixed.
A bug with opening a hyperlink when clicking on the "Chart" component was fixed.
Displaying of icons for various types of the "Chart" component on the WPF report designer toolbar was fixed.
The algorithm of drawing the "Gauge" elements when they intersect on the dashboard was fixed.
The error with inheriting the value for the "Fore Color" property when creating a style of the "Indicator" type was fixed.
The error when selecting the HTML report view mode in the WPF v2 report designer was fixed.
A problem with displacement of the watermark with a non-standard report page size in the WPF report designer was fixed.
The error with handling incorrect property values in the WPF report designer was fixed.
Only for V.I.P
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