SautinSoft Document .Net v5.2.2.16 Cracked
SautinSoft Document .Net v5.2.2.16 Cracked
Document .Net» gives you API to do everything with a document in PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML and Text formats.
Allows to Create, Load, Edit, Merge, Sign digitally, Convert and a lot of actions with a document.
Single DOM (Document Object Model) for all formats.
Manipulate with Sections, Paragraphs, Tables, Lists, Text, Forms and Fields, Shapes, Pictures, Formatting, Document Properties, etc.
Requires only .NET Framework or .NET Core.
Absolutely standalone, 100% managed C# assembly.
Top Features
Create a document in PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML formats.
Load a document in PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML formats.
Save a document as PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML Flowing and Fixed, Text.
Convert and Merge documents.
Protect and encrypt documents.
Digitally sign documents.
Make PDF/A compliance.
Perform Mail Merge process.
Obvious Document Object Model.
Rasterize a document or specific pages to Image.
Get and set a Header / Footer, Page Setup.
Add Page Numbering, Text Columns.
Perform Pagination and get document pages.
Find and Replace content.
Manipulate with Tables, Paragraphs and Text.
Add and Extract Pictures.
Work with Shapes, Shape groups and Geometry.
Get and set Formatting and Styles.
Work with ordered and unordered Lists.
Insert and Update TOC - table of contents.
Work with Forms and Fields.
Change Document Properties: Author, Title, Creator, etc.
Save time and cost of the product development. The writing of own classes to support PDF, RTF and DOCX formats in C# requires a lot of days of hard work and takes approx 300 000 C# code lines. Document .Net will save a lot of my time and I'll need only to add the reference to "SautinSoft.Document.dll" and write 5-7 C# code lines.
The one product provides me by set of API to create, load, parse, convert, modify documents in various formats at once: DOCX, RTF, PDF, Text.
Because of this is absolutely standalone .NET library, my clients don't need to have Adobe Acrobat, MS Word or other software.
Only for V.I.P
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