Download Instant Web API .NET Core 3.1

Instant Web API .NET Core 3.1

Instant Web API .NET Core 3.1
Instant Web API .NET Core 3.1

Build an instant database Web API now, no coding required. Generate your Web API in minutes to build applications faster. Using Entity Framework 6.2.0 and VS 2017 generate your Web API for any MS SQL database.

Use Visual Studio 2017 to create an empty Web API project. Make sure you add unit tests to the solution. This empty solution will be used as a stub for the generated code.

Run InstantWebAPI application, select the stub Visual Studio solution file (.sln) created in first step.

Using a database connection dialog create a connection string to your server. Application supports MS SQL server, Express or Azure.

Once a connection is established to the database, select the tables or views for which Web API needs to created and start the code generator.

Code will be generated into the initial stub Visual Studio solution. At this point the solution can be build and is ready to use.

The solution should contain 2 projects; one for the actual Web API and another one for Unit Tests.

Using the Unit Test project you can test the quality of the Web API that was generated.
The Web API project should contain a referrence to Swagger UI, that allows for clear documentation and testing of the newly created API.

REST API from Visual Studio
Use your Visual Studio 2017 to generate initial code for Web API. Our product will automate repetitive tasks by generating entities, models and controllers to build a complete REST API.

Relational Database
The code generated includes foreign key checks for post and updates, so that will comply with data integrity. Also, it uses unique indexes to check for duplicates and in doing so avoids orphan records.

Visual Studio Unit Test
The quality of the generated code is always important. Instant Web API generate unit tests for all the tables used in the project to make sure that you get the best final version.

Live API Documentation
Instant Web API uses Swagger UI, to provide you with interactive documentation. Live documentation allows a user to try out different method and parameters and see the request, responses in real time.