Download Devart Entity Developer v6.11.1219 Professional with Console Patched

Devart Entity Developer v6.11.1219 Professional with Console Patched

Devart Entity Developer v6.11.1219 Professional with Console Patched
Devart Entity Developer v6.11.1219 Professional with Console Patched

Entity Developer is a powerful ORM designer for ADO.NET Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core, Hibernate, LinqConnect, Telerik Data Access, and LINQ to SQL. It introduces new approaches for designing ORM models, boosts productivity, and facilitates the development of database applications.

Develop Faster
Design your data access layer visually, via drag-n-drop, and then generate code automatically. Or simply generate a model from a database or vice versa in a couple of minutes.

Do Less Mistakes
Automating data access layer generation helps you do less mistakes in your code. Our code generation templates are used for years and utilized by hundreds of users.

Professional Tool
Devart develops solutions for .NET Data access for 15 years, and our ORM designer is 9 years on the market. It is a professional tool, created by experienced developers and designed to make you more productive.

Visual Designer for a Variety of .NET ORMs
Entity Developer can help you design models for various .NET ORMs in one unified interface. You can get support for all ORMs in one tool, or you may purchase a separate edition, working with one of the supported ORMs.

Feature-Rich Designer with Powerful Code Generation
Seamless Visual Studio integration
Support for Model-First and Database-First
Visual creation for nearly all kinds of mapping
Applying model changes to database or vice versa
Powerful model refactoring
Optimized work with large models
Design-time LINQ/ESQL/HQL query execution
Viewing and editing of data in source tables
Background model validation
T4 template-based C# or VB code generation
Lots of predefined templates
File per class, partial class generation
Custom attributes support
Custom template support
Template editor with syntax highlighting
High quality of generated code
Highly customizable generation
Console application for automation

Wide Mapping Support
Edit nearly any kind of mapping for all the supported ORMs visually.

Visual editors for classes, properties, complex types, enums
Support for various kinds of inheritances and associations
Mapping CRUD operations to stored procedures
Create methods from stored routines or command texts
Visual editing of a storage part of Entity Framework v1-v6 models
Table splitting, entity splitting, query views
and many more...

Database-First Approach Support
Easily generate a model from a database and apply database changes to the model. Switch to model-first whenever necessary.

Generate a model from a database in a few clicks
Apply changes of the database schema to the model
Configure generation with lots of various options
Flexibly configure naming of generated classes, members, and methods
Get from database to ready-to-use code in minutes

Model-First Approach Support
Create a model and then generate a database from it automatically. Apply model changes to the database without losing data where possible.

Generate a database from a model in a few clicks
Specify a default set of properties to be added to each new entity
View, select, and apply model changes to the database
Flexibly configure naming of generated tables and columns

Visual Studio Integration
Entity Developer is seamlessly integrated into Visual Studio; however, if you don't have Visual Studio, you still can use Entity Developer as a separate application.

Design model directly in the IDE
Visual Studio 2008 - 2019 support
Refactoring integration
Code is generated when you save the model
Errors in model are displayed in Visual Studio Error List
Model diagrams, template editor behave like usual IDE documents
Documentation is integrated into Visual Studio documentation

Powerful Refactoring
Powerful Model Refactoring wizard allows you to quickly configure mapping aspects that cannot be automatically generated from database. It allows you to create:

inheritance hierarchies,
complex types,
table splitting
in just a couple of clicks.

Optimized Work with Large Models
Entity Developer is optimized to ensure comfortable and efficient work with large models, containing thousands of entities.

Highly optimized metadata retrieving
Split model into several thematic diagrams
Fast code generation

LINQ Query Execution against Models
Execute LINQ, Entity SQL, or HQL queries (depending on the ORM used) without the need to finish your application.

Test your model at design-time
Preview the returned data and browse related entities
View and edit data of the database tables directly

Template-Based Code Generation
Template-based code generation system in Entity Developer can satisfy even the most demanding developers.

Generate C# or Visual Basic code
T4-template based code generation
Editable templates

Wide Choice of Predefined Templates
Entity Developer offers a large set of predefined templates for generating C# or Visual Basic code for various needs.

Templates for POCO or persistence aware classes
Fluent or XML mapping
Templates for DTO classes
Templates for Data Annotation Metadata
Templates for WCF RIA Service
MVC controller and view templates
And more...

Flexible Generation Settings
Entity Developer allows you to configure code generation to a large extent with template properties, custom attribute support, extended properties for model objects, etc.

Generate all classes to one file or file per class
Configure project folders to output files
Generate extensible partial classes with code behind
Configure generation with template properties
Specify attributes to use for model objects

Custom Templates Support
Even if the standard Entity Developer code generation is not enough for you, you can achieve virtually anything by creating your own custom templates, even generate code for other programming languages.

Convenient template editor with syntax highlight
Store templates with model or in ED resources
Add properties for model objects that affect generation
Get unlimited generation capabilities

Console Support
Entity Developer provides a console application that allows automating code generation/database updates and performing common operations via console commands:

Generate model from database
Validate model
Generate code from model
Generate create database from model script
Generate update database from model script

6.11.1213 01-Apr-21

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10 Preview is supported
The new options "Don't show this message again" in the prompt window and "Prompt before generating code when there are model validation warnings" in the menu Options are implemented in a standalone Entity Developer to provide the ability not to stop code generation by warnings
The Data Transfer Object template is improved:
The new template property Serialization Library is added for specifying library used for serialization, possible values are Data Contract, JSON (Newtonsoft.Json), JSON (Microsoft.Text.Json), YamlDotNet
The new extended property Do Not Serialize is added for properties and navigation properties to exclude them from serialization
The new extended property Serialization Name is added for properties and navigation properties to set custom names in serialization
The behavior is changed: WCF Data Contract Attributes is set to False by default now
The bug with creating app.config in Visual Studio .NET Core projects is fixed
Entity Framework support
The JSON (Newtonsoft.Json, Microsoft.Text.Json) and YAML (YamlDotNet) serializations are supported in EF Core (via EF Core template) and EF6 (via DbContext template)
The new template property Serialization Library is added for specifying the library used for serialization
The new template property Serialize Original Column Names is added for controlling the appearance of original column names in serialization
The new template property Serialize Navigation Properties is added for controlling the appearance of navigation properties in serialization
The new template property Serialize Null Value is added for managing the behavior of nullable properties
The new extended property Do Not Serialize is added for properties and navigation properties to exclude them from serialization
The new extended property Serialization Name is added for properties and navigation properties to set custom names in serialization
.NET 6.0 is added to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF Core and EF6 models
Entity Framework Core 6.0 is supported for Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, Microsoft.Data.Sqlite, Npgsql
The new package MySql.EntityFrameworkCore is used now for MySQL Connector .NET in EF Core 3 and EF Core 5
EF Core 5 is supported for FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient and Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql
EF Core Spatial Data (NetTopologySuite) is supported for Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql
The new extended property Record Type is added for classes in the case of C# EF Core template to generate records instead of classes in C# 9.0 or higher and .NET 5 or higher
The new extended property Do Not Generate Default Constructor is added to EF Core Model for model, classes, and complex types
The new extended property Do Not Generate Mapping is added to EF Core Model for class properties
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq (JObject and JToken as property types) is supported for Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql in EF Core Model
System.Text.Json (JsonDocument and JsonElement as property types) is supported for Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql and Npgsql in EF Core Mode
The new options "Private setter for store generated properties" and "Constructor parameter" are added to Model Settings in EF Core for controlling visibility of setter for store generated properties
The following properties are marked as obsolete:
the Generate Data Contracts property of the EF Core template
the Do Not Generate Data Contract Attribute extended property of navigation properties in EF Core Model
the WCF Data Contract Attributes property of the DbContext and Data Transfer Object templates
the WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties property of the DbContext and Data Transfer Object templates
The bug with loading Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core v3.21.1 (.NET Standard 2.1) by the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio is fixed using the workaround with loading previous ODP.NET version from local NuGet cache
The bug with incorrect detecting DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity for the properties with DEFAULT NULL in a database, when "Detect function-based column default value" is selected in Create Model Wizard, is fixed in EF4/EF5/EF6
The bug with detecting the existing classes with QueryType=True by Update From Database Wizard in EF Core Model is fixed
The bug with code generation for Npgsql, when the timetz column is mapped to a class property of type other than DateTimeOffset, in EF Core Model is fixed
LINQ to SQL support
The new option "Read-only computed columns" is added to Model Settings for controlling value of the Read Only attribute of class properties created for computed columns (SQL Server)