dotnetCHARTING v10.2 for Winforms/Webforms/MVC

dotnetCHARTING v10.2 for Winforms/Webforms/MVC
.netCHARTING enables your web site to display massive amounts of dynamically generated data quickly and easily through a visual interface. Built with 100% managed code using C# and provided with extensive samples in both VB.NET and C#, this high performance charting control also contains a feature rich data access and aggregation system with calculation support. We continue to add value and functionality (such as the gauge and dial chart added in 2.5, the geographic map chart and vector chart in 4.0, AJAX scroll / zoom in 5.0, organizational charts in 5.1, digital dashboards charts in 6.0, TreeMap charts in 6.1 and jаvascript HTML5 Charts in 7.0, Circular Gauges in 9.0) and a dedicated ASP.NET MVC chart bundle in 9.3 all included with no add-on purchases required.
.netCHARTING Overview
.netCHARTING combines visually stunning graphics and a comprehensive interface to bring you one of the most compelling charting solutions available for any platform.

.netCHARTING utilizes the .NET framework and GDI+ providing a managed charting solution for C# and VB.NET developers working with ASP.NET or WinForms. Using the latest Microsoft technologies has enabled us to step beyond existing visual charting standards and produce visuals much stronger than typical dynamic charting solutions. In fact, we hope you will agree that the .netCHARTING visuals are even superior to high end desktop charting applications!
Major Features & Benefits
Charting Firsts
For years, .netCHARTING has pioneered new charting technologies, bringing clients unprecedented ease of use and automation without sacrificing the stunning visuals we have become renowned for. While competitors scramble to emulate our innovations, our clients continue to benefit; saving thousands of dollars in development costs through the rich set of Enterprise level features included with each and every .netCHARTING license sold.
jаvascript and HTML5 Charts
A powerful new jаvascript and HTML charting solution has been added in .netCHARTING 7.0. Easily enable jаvascript Charting with seamless mobile, iOS, Android and tablet support, at no additional charge, with every .netCHARTING license sold. In addition to visual parity with .netCHARTING's stunning server-side output, our jаvascript charts provide advanced animation and rich client side interactivity support.
Modern Web Aesthetics
Get a fresh new look for your old charts without a single line of code! Automatically improve the look and feel of your legacy charts simply by using the latest version of .netCHARTING. If you are attached to your legacy look, you can easily maintain it with a simple setting and enable the new look on a chart by chart basis instead.
Silverlight Navigator
A powerful new charting product has been seamlessly integrated into .netCHARTING. Now developers can provide advanced interactive Silverlight charts with a simple property setting and no Silverlight specific coding required. This high end visualization solution is included at no additional charge with every .netCHARTING license sold.
InfoGrids™ produce results similar to data grid controls; however, they are created and drawn within the chart image itself. As a result, an InfoGrid™ can be styled to produce a significantly more polished and integrated grid that users can take with them, along with that chart, in a single image file.
Rich Tooltips
Complex tooltips are now supported with inline formatted image text, MicroCharts, InfoGrids and even full chart previews ideal for drilldown cases and to provide convey more information to the end user.
Calendar Pattern Support
Define custom calendar patterns to implement axis markers. Calendar patterns will enable you to highlight a specific event or region of your data which reoccurs including marking weekends or other recurring events. They can also be used to trim data and to specify scale breaks.
Label Tokens and Expressions
Use tokens and mathematical expressions within labels to simplify the creation of dynamically generated labels.
Box Header Styling
An advanced new box header system has been added supporting 10,000+ unique combinations with the advanced alignment and endcap visuals, shadows, offsets and much more.
Scale Breaks
Often a chart has a few outlier data points which result in charts that are not legible for the bulk of the data. For example, if you had a chart of 100 values between 1 and 10 but 2 of the values were over 1,000 you could not accurately determine the values due to a compressed scale.
GIS Mapping Support
Maps support unlimited numbers of layers and can accept real data, readily available online, for the entire globe.
Chart Mentor
The chart mentor offers useful tips and samples based on the chart you are creating. It can help you resolve problems and improve the implementation of your chart in the most efficient way.
ImageBars™, provide stunning themed, pictorial representations in bar form.
Multiple chart areas sharing axes.
Create multiple independent chart areas within a single chart image. Advanced automatic alignment functionality enables a single axis to span multiple chart areas and automatically align with each other.
Axis Zooming
This innovative new feature can also be combined with interactive image map features of .netCHARTING for drill down zoom functionality.
More Charting Firsts
Other innovative features .netCHARTING has pioneered include:
Smart LabelsAutomatic Drill DownAutomatic Date Aggregation
Automatic Scale Unit conversion between over hundreds of different units of measure.Multi-Color Lines and Splines.Legend boxes with customizable columns.
New in version 10.1
Venn and Euler Diagrams
A new Venn and Euler diagram chart type has been added to JS charts.
Automatic Venn Color Blending
Using the default ChartType.Venn option, venn diagram elements that are made up of two or more overlapping shapes will blend the underlying colors. Using the ChartType.VennColorByPoint option will assign a unique color to each element.
RTL Text support with JS Charts
The jаvascript output now offers full right-to-left language support. The chart will automatically apply this feature when a RTL language culture string is specified.
Improved First Chart Render Performance
The jаvascript library files needed on the server to render charts are now reduced making the initial JS chart load faster.
Element.SecondaryColor Support in JS Charts
Secondary color is now applied in JS charts for use with finance candlestick and bar series and circular bar (activity ring) charts.
Label.Outline Support in JS Charts
The native label outline capabilities of .netCHARTING are now supported in client side charts as well.
Three Highlighting Modes in JS Charts
Element and series highlighting is automatically enabled when hovering legend entries and element axis ticks. It is also available when hovering data elements, which is automatically enabled with the Venn chart type.
- HighlightElement - Mutes all data except the hovered element.
- HighlightSeries - Mutes all data except the element of the series being hovered.
- HighlightElementGroup - Mutes all data except the element group being hovered. An element group refers to elements across all series that share the same x value or name.
Specify Hover Actions
You can specify the hover action of data elements, legend entries, and element axis ticks.
Native Series FirstElement and LastElement properties for JS Charts
he native .netCHARTING series now support FirstElement and LastElement properties to specify the settings for the first and last elements. This is useful when applying settings to the chart default series, configuring those elements to show labels or assigning axis ticks to them.
Element.XAxisTick And YAxisTick Support in JS Charts
The x and y axis tick properties of element objects are now fully supported in JS Charts.
Native Axis.Crosshair Property and Support for JS Charts
The axis crosshair in JS charts can now be set through the .netCHARTING Axis.Crosshair property.
Improved JS Chart Tooltip Positioning
Tooltips are now smarter and more aware of elements around them in JS charts. This makes charts easier to read when hovering chart elements with the mouse cursor.
Improved JS Chart Interactions Performance
General chart wide performance improvements in JS Charts.
Native Element.FocusGlow Property for JS Charts
This property defines the outline of elements when they are hovered in JS charts. With combined tooltips, this outlines all elements mentioned in the tooltip.
Venn and Euler Diagrams
A new Venn and Euler diagram chart type has been added to JS charts.
Automatic Venn Color Blending
Using the default ChartType.Venn option, venn diagram elements that are made up of two or more overlapping shapes will blend the underlying colors. Using the ChartType.VennColorByPoint option will assign a unique color to each element.
RTL Text support with JS Charts
The jаvascript output now offers full right-to-left language support. The chart will automatically apply this feature when a RTL language culture string is specified.
Improved First Chart Render Performance
The jаvascript library files needed on the server to render charts are now reduced making the initial JS chart load faster.
Element.SecondaryColor Support in JS Charts
Secondary color is now applied in JS charts for use with finance candlestick and bar series and circular bar (activity ring) charts.
Label.Outline Support in JS Charts
The native label outline capabilities of .netCHARTING are now supported in client side charts as well.
Three Highlighting Modes in JS Charts
Element and series highlighting is automatically enabled when hovering legend entries and element axis ticks. It is also available when hovering data elements, which is automatically enabled with the Venn chart type.
- HighlightElement - Mutes all data except the hovered element.
- HighlightSeries - Mutes all data except the element of the series being hovered.
- HighlightElementGroup - Mutes all data except the element group being hovered. An element group refers to elements across all series that share the same x value or name.
Specify Hover Actions
You can specify the hover action of data elements, legend entries, and element axis ticks.
Native Series FirstElement and LastElement properties for JS Charts
he native .netCHARTING series now support FirstElement and LastElement properties to specify the settings for the first and last elements. This is useful when applying settings to the chart default series, configuring those elements to show labels or assigning axis ticks to them.
Element.XAxisTick And YAxisTick Support in JS Charts
The x and y axis tick properties of element objects are now fully supported in JS Charts.
Native Axis.Crosshair Property and Support for JS Charts
The axis crosshair in JS charts can now be set through the .netCHARTING Axis.Crosshair property.
Improved JS Chart Tooltip Positioning
Tooltips are now smarter and more aware of elements around them in JS charts. This makes charts easier to read when hovering chart elements with the mouse cursor.
Improved JS Chart Interactions Performance
General chart wide performance improvements in JS Charts.
Native Element.FocusGlow Property for JS Charts
This property defines the outline of elements when they are hovered in JS charts. With combined tooltips, this outlines all elements mentioned in the tooltip.

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