Download Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate 2022.1.1 with Crack and Keys
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Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate 2022.1.1 with Crack and Keys

Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate 2022.1.1 with Crack and Keys
Stimulsoft Reports Ultimate 2022.1.1 with Crack and Keys

Stimulsoft Ultimate is a universal set of tools for creating reports and dashboards. The product includes a complete set of tools for WinForms, ASP.NET, .NET Core, jаvascript, WPF, PHP, Java, and other environments. We provide easy-to-use and, at the same time, fully functional designer. You may create reports and dashboards for any of the supported platforms. Special wizards and editors will help you to cope with any task easily.

Our reports and dashboards have a unified format for more than 15 platforms. Our reports are created in a recognizable and consistent visual interface. We offer the same approaches and practices in designing reports, standardized user manuals, and video tutorials.

We have a wide range of tools for creating informative dashboards and sophisticated reports. Texts, images, graphics, indicators, bar-codes, primitives, and other components, a large set of preset styles, special wizards will allow you to quickly and efficiently implement your ideas.

You can configure the Chart element in the special editor. In order to call the chart editor, you should:

Double-click the left mouse button;

Select the Chart item and select the Design command in the context menu;

Select the Chart item, and, on the property panel, click the Browse button for the Values, Arguments or Series properties.

In the chart editor, you can do the following:

Specify data fields with values for the chart;

Specify chart arguments;

Specify the rows of the chart;

Choose a chart type;

Modify the expression of the selected item.

Do users of your applications want to change the reports and dashboards? No problem! The report designer can be launched from your application at any time. Just one line of code and your clients can make the necessary changes in templates!

Stimulsoft Ultimate is an excellent offer for those who use several platforms in application development, such as Windows Forms, ASP.NET, .NET Core, jаvascript, WPF, PHP, Java, and others.

Sometimes it is necessary to add images to reports. They can be photos of goods, images of colleagues etc. Sometimes it is necessary to place a company logo. The Image component is used to output images. This component supports the following types of images: BMP, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, ICO, EMF and WMF.

Stimulsoft Ultimate 2022.1

New Features
1. The "Drawing" category of functions is added to the dictionary. RNetDWinBIDesigner
2. Now data can be entered manually in the Online-Map element in dashboards. DWinBIDesigner
3. The new theme Sienna is added in dashboards. DWinBIDesigner
4. New styles are added to Chart, Gauge and Map components - Style35. This style is used Sienna color-set. RWebRNetRWpfRJSDWebDJSBIServerBIDesignerBICloud
5. BorderThickness properties for series of charts. RWebRNetRWpfRJSBIDesigner
6. Save and Load operations are added to the Globalization Strings editor. An Excel file with strings can be created with the help of that operations. RNetDWinBIDesigner
7. The IntelligentMail USPS 4-State barcode is added. RWebRNetRWpf
8. The Aztec barcode is added. RWebRNetRWpf
9. The ability to apply limits in data transformation after grouping and after sorting data. RWebRNetRWpfRBlazorRAngular
10. The SizeMode property is added to the TextElement. It controls how text is output in a component area. DWin
11. The SizeMode property is added to the Title of all elements in the dashboards. It controls how the text of a title is output in a component area. DWinBIDesigner
12. The ability to clear various caches and reset default settings was added. RNetBIDesigner
13. We added a new verification of names of data sources (case sensitive). RNetDWinBIDesigner
14. The 3D Pie series chart is added. RWebRNetRWpfRJSRBlazorRAngularRPHPDWebDWinDJSBIDesigner
15. You may specify line spacing in the styles of the "Table of Contents" component. RWebRJSRJavaBIServerBICloud
16. We added the ability to round the corners of dashboard components, and display their shadows. DWebDWinDJSBIServerBIDesignerBICloud
17. We added the "Linear Scale Brush" and "Needle Border Width" properties for the "Gauge" style. RWebRJSDWebDJSBIServerBICloud
18. We added the AllowMobileMode option for the viewer, which allows you to define the behavior of the component when it is running on mobile devices. RWebRJSDWebDJS
19. For the WPF report designer, we added options to control the display of panels - ShowPanelProperties, ShowPanelDictionary, ShowPanelReportTree. RWpf
20. JS code minification. RJSDJS
21. Migration to day.js date parsing library. RJSDJS
22. We added the ability to export a dashboard watermark to PDF and SVG files. DWebDWin
23. The Watermark property was added to the dashboard and the panel element component. This property helps in drawing text, images, and symbols on the background of dashboards. DWebDWinDJSBIServerBIDesignerBICloud
1. Some changes regarding the Yuan currency symbol are made in the designer. RNetDWinBIDesigner
2. We fixed a bug related to displaying the total in the table when disabling the visibility of the column. DWin
3. We fixed a bug related to displaying totals for disabled columns in the "Table" element when viewing the dashboard in the WPF viewer. RWpf
4. We improved the algorithm for loading links between data sources. RJava
Fixed Bugs
1. The issue with drawing Icons for charts was fixed. RWebRJSDWebDJS
2. Autogeneration of an expression is added for the Insert expression to brush and Insert expression to color. RNetDWinBIDesigner
3. The error occurred when using the Glare brush when expoting a chart SVG. RNetRWpfRJSDWebDWinDJSBIDesigner
4. Added support for SQL, NoSQL, Azure, Google, REST, Online Services data sources for Blazor reporting tool. RBlazor
5. We fixed a bug related to exporting a report to a CSV file. RJava
6. We fixed an issue related to parsing HTML tags in a text component. RJava
7. We fixed an error with retrieving data via basic auth in OData data sources. RWebRNetDWebDWinBIDesigner
8. We fixed a bug related to displaying external labels for a pie chart. RWebRJSDWebDJS
9. We added animation for "Funnel" and "Treemap" chart types, as well as for external axis labels. RWebRNetDWinBIDesigner
10. For the Gantt Chart, the bug related to the use of hyperlinks in the interaction of a component was fixed. DWebDWinDJS
11. We fixed a bug in the WinForms Designer component related to adding a custom panel next to the property panels, dictionary and report tree. RNetDWin
12. A bug related to scaling the report in the DIV component mode was fixed. RWebRJS
13. We fixed a bug related to the height of the dashboard and its components in the mobile editing and viewing mode. DJS
14. We fixed a bug with loading a dashboard with an online map from an MRT file with JSON markup. DWin
15. We fixed an error when selecting the "Table" component in the Edit mode of a page. RWpf
16. We changed the anti-alias mode for drawing primitives in dashboards. DWin
17. The error related to displayig the "Chart" component on the report page, when sorting data in some cases, was fixed. RWpf
18. We fixed menu for creating connections for BigQuery, Google Analytics, Firebase data sources. RWpf
19. We fixed a bug related to using packed JS files as ES6 modules. RJSDJS
20. Compression algorithm for packed JS modules was improved. RJSDJS
21. The issue occurred when disabling response caching for GET requests. RJSDJS
22. The issue with dependency chain for blockly module was fixed. RJSDJS
23. We fixed a bug related to building JS product packages for Linux. RJSDJS
24. We fixed a bug with getting columns when creating an Oracle data source in the report designer. RJava
25. When exporting a dashboard, hyperlinks for column values in the "Table" element were not saved. DWin
26. When exporting a map to a PDF document, large signatures were present. RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWin
27. The error of compiling a report with the "Shapes" component, if the scripting language is set as Visual Basic, was fixed. RWebRNetRWpf
28. We fixed a bug related to the "Max Number Of Lines" property of the text component and the size of the borders, as a result of which one line less than specified was displayed. RWebRNetRWpf
29. We fixed the error in Maxicode barcode when data was missed. RWebRNetRWpf