Download Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v15.2.49

Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v15.2.49

Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v15.2.49
Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v15.2.49

IntraWeb supports RAD Studio / Delphi XE2, and in fact is included as a part of RAD Studio / Delphi XE2. If you have RAD Studio / Delphi XE2, you already have IntraWeb XII. RAD Studio 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, Delphi 10.3 Rio and Delphi 10.4 Sydney, RAD Studio/Delphi/C++Builder 11 Alexandria.

Faster Template Processor
The template processor has been rewritten and is up to 3x faster. The template processor is a commonly used feature and will create faster applications and lower CPU usage.

Fastest zlib Library
We now have the fastest zlib in the Delphi world, 3x faster than std XE8 zlib x64.

Note: IntraWeb 15 requires a license key version 11 (starts with +0011). IW 14 license keys won’t work with IntraWeb 15.

A new IW 15 license has been automatically generated for all paid customers with active subscription. The new license can be obtained in our purchase point online:
Login using your registered e-mail and password and go to IntraWeb -> My Keys. Check the last key on your key list. It should start with +0011. This is your key for IntraWeb 15.
IntraWeb 15 is not a free upgrade for IntraWeb 14 bundled users
You can install IntraWeb 15 as evaluation for testing purposes. Evaluation version never expires. It can’t be installed with some older version of IntraWeb in the same IDE, though.

15.2.49 Version History

What’s New

TIWjQGrid and TIWjQDBGrid have been greatly enhanced/extended (new demo coming soon):
New TjQGridColumn.LookupList property (TStrings) allow columns to have work as a lookup field
Columns with Date data type can be edited through jQuery UI standard DatePicker
New TIWjQGrid Option goShowFilterToolbar. When True, the default filter toolbar of jQGrid will be enabled
New TIWjQGrid.FilterOptions property. Allow customization of appearance and behavior of the filter toolbar.
New TIWjQGrid.DatePickerOptions property allow customization of appearance and behavior of DatePicker associated with Date columns
New TIWjQGrid and TIWjQDBGrid properties: HeaderWordWrap – allows grid header word wrap, AutoWordWrap – allows word wrap of grid content cells, VerticalAlign – control vertical alignment of grid content cells.
New methods ToggleToolbar (shows/hides the toolbar) and SetSelection(const ARowId: string) (sets the selected row, based on ARowId parameter)
Many more internal enhancements
Exposing Css property of TIWRegion and TIWTabControl (they can also be styled via Css property using an external style sheet)
TIWClipboard completely refactored and extended. New properties/methods allow that new data types can also be stored/retrieved. Example (new demo coming soon):
Storing a string: UseSession.Clipboard[‘MyData’].S := ‘some string here’;
Reading a string: var myString := UseSession.Clipboard[‘MyData’].S;
Storing an integer: UseSession.Clipboard[‘MyInteger’].I := 54;
Reading an Integer: var myInt := UseSession.Clipboard[‘MyInteger’].I;
Many more properties to store different types of data, type safe: L (Int64), U (UInt64), F (Double/Float), D (DateTime), B (Boolean), O (Object reference, not owned)
New class properties LocaljаvascriptFolder and LocalStyleFolder in TIWjQPageControl, TIWjQAccordion, TIWjQGrid , allow customization of file location

Bug fixes

Fix built-in styles with jQGrid


Function TIWFileUploader.CheckMimeType() moved to IWMimeTypes.pas as method TIWMimeTypes.CheckFileMimeType()
In IW jаvascript libraries, changed call to HookFormsDefaultSubmit using MutationObserver (fixes some CGDevTools issues)
Introduced a workaround for a Delphi 11 bug which affects some zLib stream classes. This bug does not affect IntraWeb applications but we decided to include it in our zLib libraries anyway.

Only for V.I.P
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