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Embarcadero InterBase 2020 Server Edition for Windows and Linux - Update 6

Embarcadero InterBase 2020 Server Edition for Windows and Linux - Update 6
Embarcadero InterBase 2020 Server Edition for Windows and Linux - Update 6

InterBase is one of the fastest native databases available, with a small lightweight footprint. InterBase leverages today's multi-core CPUs and multi-CPU systems, along with a unique versioning approach and advanced disk I/O caching, to retrieve and update your data blazingly fast. InterBase is an SQL Standards compliant database. InterBase strictly follows SQL industry standards. InterBase supports unicode and is ideal for any character set globally. InterBase offers multiple join unicode, real-time event alerts, and our patent pending Change Views’ SQL-based change tracking.
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Devart Excel Addins v2.9.1323.0 + Crack

Devart Excel Addins v2.9.1323.0 + Crack
Devart Excel Addins v2.9.1323.0 + Crack

Devart Excel Add-ins allow you to work with database and cloud data in Microsoft Excel as with usual Excel spreadsheets. With Devart Excel Add-ins you can get exactly the data you need with visual Query Builder or with SQL and refresh the queried external data in a workbook any time with a single click. External data can be edited as you usually do it in Excel, and then saved back to the data source.
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SciChart SDK v8.0.0.27737 (2D+3D) Enterprise + Crack

SciChart SDK v8.0.0.27737 (2D+3D) Enterprise + Crack
SciChart SDK v8.0.0.27737 (2D+3D) Enterprise + Crack

SciChart for WPF is a Realtime, High Performance WPF Charting Library made with Financial, Medical & Scientific Apps in mind. Perfect for Projects that Need Extreme Performance and Slick Interactive Charts. Get the Job Done with our ~50 2D & 3D WPF Chart Types and Extensive API. SciChart WPF v5 now supports DirectX powered WPF 3D Chart Controls including Real-time WPF 3D Surface Mesh Chart, WPF 3D Point-Cloud Chart, WPF 3D Scatter Chart, WPF 3D Bubble Chart, 3D Column Chart and more … Our WPF 3D Charts are both real-time and interactive and allow zooming, panning, rotating of a 3D scene seamlessly inside a WPF Charting application, all using declarative XAML and MVVM as WPF was intended to be used.
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Devart Excel Addins v2.8.1140

Devart Excel Addins v2.8.1140
Devart Excel Addins v2.8.1140

Devart Excel Add-ins allow you to work with database and cloud data in Microsoft Excel as with usual Excel spreadsheets. With Devart Excel Add-ins you can get exactly the data you need with visual Query Builder or with SQL and refresh the queried external data in a workbook any time with a single click. External data can be edited as you usually do it in Excel, and then saved back to the data source.
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YuPcre2 1.21.0 for Delphi 11-12.0 Cracked

YuPcre2 1.21.0 for Delphi 11-12.0 Cracked
YuPcre2 v1.21.0 for Delphi 11-12.0 Cracked

YuPcre2 is a library of Delphi components and procedures that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl, with just a few differences. There are two matching algorithms, the standard Perl and alternative DFA algorithm:

The Perl algorithm is what you are used to from Perl and j@vascript. It is fast and supports the complete pattern syntax. You will likely be using it most of the time.
DFA is a special purpose algorithm. If finds all possible matches and, in particular, it finds the longest. It never backtracks and supports partial matching better, in particular multi-segment matching of very long subject strings.
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Embarcadero InterBase 2020 Update 5 Server Edition v14.5.0.864 for Windows

Embarcadero InterBase 2020 Update 5 Server Edition v14.5.0.864 for Windows
Embarcadero InterBase 2020 Update 5 Server Edition v14.5.0.864 for Windows

InterBase is one of the fastest native databases available, with a small lightweight footprint. InterBase leverages today's multi-core CPUs and multi-CPU systems, along with a unique versioning approach and advanced disk I/O caching, to retrieve and update your data blazingly fast. InterBase is an SQL Standards compliant database. InterBase strictly follows SQL industry standards. InterBase supports unicode and is ideal for any character set globally. InterBase offers multiple join unicode, real-time event alerts, and our patent pending Change Views’ SQL-based change tracking.
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WP Courseware v4.9.14 - Learning Management System

WP Courseware v4.9.14 - Learning Management System
WP Courseware v4.9.14 - Learning Management System

WP Courseware is an easy to use WordPress Learning Management System. Version 3.0 introduces dozens of new features, some of which include: Quiz question pool to allow for recycling of questions in multiple quizzes. Support for randomizing quiz questions or manually adding specific questions from question pool. Randomized answers within multiple choice questions. Options for timed quizzes.
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