Telerik JustCode Q1 2014.1.219.1 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

Telerik JustCode Q1 2014.1.219.1

Telerik JustCode Q1 2014.1.219.1
Telerik JustCode Q1 2014.1.219.1 | 37 Mb

JustCode is a Visual Studio extension that provides on-the-spot code analysis and error checking, smart navigation and refactoring. So you code faster. JustCode is unobtrusive and integrates seamlessly with your natural work-flow. Quick hints, code generation, unit test runner and smart refactorings improve your code on the spot. So you code smarter.

Higher Productivity
Instant solution-wide code analysis and error check reduce and resolve errors with ease. The smart navigation and search traverse your code, fast. JustCode’s intuitive user interface works seamlessly with Visual Studio and your natural work flow. So you accomplish more, every day.

Better Code
Powerful refactorings reduce code complexity and create elegant solutions to even complex problems. Run unit tests with ease and check your whole solution, fast. Code cleaning eliminates redundancies. JustCode runs without distracting pop-ups or slowing down performance. So it’s there when you need it, not when you don’t.


Only for V.I.P
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