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DigiStore .NET Core 2.2 startup project bundle with IoT & E-Commerce theme with source

DigiStore .NET Core 2.2 startup project bundle with IoT & E-Commerce theme with source
DigiStore .NET Core 2.2 startup project bundle with IoT & E-Commerce theme with source

DigiStore is a startup Angular 7/ .NET core 2.2 (cross-platform ) project template with an end-to-end login, user and role management implementation. As well as other common functionalities for Quick Application Development. It can be used for any type of web applications: Project Management, eCommerce backends, CRM, Analytics, Fitness or any custom admin panels. It comes with 3 nice dashboards. DigiStore admin template is powered with HTML 5, SASS, Bootstrap 4 which looks great on Desktops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices. DigiStore bootstrap admin template comes with starter kit which will help developers to get started quickly.
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CAD .NET v14.1 - Working with AutoCAD DWG, DXF, PLT and other CAD formats

CAD .NET v14.1 - Working with AutoCAD DWG, DXF, PLT and other CAD formats
CAD .NET v14.1 - Working with AutoCAD DWG, DXF, PLT and other CAD formats

CAD .NET is a library for developing solutions in .NET environment. It supports AutoCAD® DWG/ DXF, PLT and other CAD formats.

The library can be used in a wide range of spheres:

work with industrial drawings at all project stages
monitoring and remote control programs
CNC machining
data export to CAD formats
work with databases
document management systems
highly specialized products using drawings
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DevExpress Components for .NET v20.1.6.20233

DevExpress Components for .NET v20.1.6.20233
DevExpress Components for .NET v20.1.6.20233

The DevExpress WinForms Subscription ships with a comprehensive suite of Office-inspired user interface components. From our award-winning Data Grid and Ribbon to our Excel-inspired Spreadsheet and Word-inspired Rich Text Editor for Windows Forms, this subscription has everything you'll need to create apps that are both beautiful and easy-to-use.
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dotnetCHARTING Webforms/WinForms v10.0

dotnetCHARTING Webforms/WinForms v10.0
dotnetCHARTING Webforms/WinForms v10.0

.netCHARTING enables your web site to display massive amounts of dynamically generated data quickly and easily through a visual interface. Built with 100% managed code using C# and provided with extensive samples in both VB.NET and C#, this high performance charting control also contains a feature rich data access and aggregation system with calculation support. We continue to add value and functionality (such as the gauge and dial chart added in 2.5, the geographic map chart and vector chart in 4.0, AJAX scroll / zoom in 5.0, organizational charts in 5.1, digital dashboards charts in 6.0, TreeMap charts in 6.1 and jаvascript HTML5 Charts in 7.0, Circular Gauges in 9.0) and a dedicated ASP.NET MVC chart bundle in 9.3 all included with no add-on purchases required.
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FastReport.Mono 2020.3.2

FastReport.Mono 2020.3.2
FastReport.Mono 2020.3.2

FastReport Mono is a multi-platform reporting solution. It can be used with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and any operating system that supports Xamarin Mono. With FastReport.Mono, you can create application-independent .Net and Mono reports. In other words, FastReport.Mono can be used as a stand-alone reporting tool.
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FastReport .NET v2020.3.16 with cracked Nuget

FastReport .NET v2020.3.16 with cracked Nuget
FastReport .NET v2020.3.16 with cracked Nuget

With FastReport.Net, you can create application-independent .Net reports. In other words, FastReport.Net can be used as a standalone reporting tool.

Includes powerful visual report designer for creating and modifying the reports. Your application can run the designer from the code.
Includes online report designer for ASP.Net (only in Enterprise edition)
Connect to any database, use any of its tables or create queries
Add dialogue form(s) to your report to prompt for parameters before running a report
Using built-in script you can manage the interactions with dialogue form controls and perform complex data handling
Finally, view the result and print or export it to many common document formats
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DevComponents DotNetBar Retail Version

DevComponents DotNetBar Retail Version
DevComponents DotNetBar Retail Version

DotNetBar is world's first component to introduce fully featured Office 2013, Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style Ribbon controls, first to provide full Windows XP Theme support, first to provide Diamond Docking Guides for dockable windows etc. With DotNetBar you always get latest advancements in user interface technology in your applications before anyone else. Don't take our word for it, read what others are saying about our products and support...
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Stimulsoft Ultimate 2020.4.1 with Crack and Keys

Stimulsoft Ultimate 2020.4.1 with Crack and Keys
Stimulsoft Ultimate 2020.4.1 with Crack and Keys

Stimulsoft Ultimate is a universal set of tools for creating reports and dashboards. The product includes a complete set of tools for WinForms, ASP.NET, .NET Core, jаvascript, WPF, PHP, Java, and other environments. We provide easy-to-use and, at the same time, fully functional designer. You may create reports and dashboards for any of the supported platforms. Special wizards and editors will help you to cope with any task easily.
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Stimulsoft Reports Server 2020.4.1

Stimulsoft Reports Server 2020.4.1
Stimulsoft Reports Server 2020.4.1

Stimulsoft Reports.Server is a client-server system that allows you to easily and effectively implement a full cycle of working with reports from the designing and automation of execution information processing tasks to preparing for convenient presentation of results to users. Functionality and power of the reporting module is implemented using a fast and modern technology Stimulsoft Reports which flexibility and reliability is time-tested.
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