DotNet » Page 349

EO.WebBrowser 2018.0.9.0

EO.WebBrowser 2018.0.9.0
EO.WebBrowser for .NET 2018.0.9.0 | 81 Mb

EO.WebBrowser is a web browser engine based on Google's Chrome project but with native .NET programming interface --- don't worry, it's not a wrapper around the Chrome browser installed on your machine. In fact EO.WebBrowser has the whole browser engine embedded inside a single .NET DLL. In another word, it has zero external dependency. Just reference and use.
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OZEKI VoIP SIP SDK 1.8.12 Retail

OZEKI VoIP SIP SDK 1.8.12 Retail
OZEKI VoIP SIP SDK 1.8.12 Retail | 146 Mb

Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK provides a first-rate technology for softphone development. Instead of wasting time for long development process on your own, you can take advantage on this decent software development kit. You will see how easy it is to create a softphone when you use Ozeki SIP SDK. A basic programming knowledge is enough, since Ozeki SIP SDK provides the base for the VoIP solution you are working on.
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EVO PDF to Image Converter for .NET 7.0

EVO PDF to Image Converter for .NET 7.0
EVO PDF to Image Converter for .NET 7.0 | 1 Mb

EVO PDF to Image Converter can be used in any type of .NET application to convert PDF pages to images. The integration with existing .NET applications is extremely easy and no installation is necessary. The downloaded archive contains the assembly for .NET and a demo application. The full C# source code for the demo application is available in the Samples folder. The converter produces .NET Image objects during conversion that you can save to image files or use for further processing. You can also customize the color space and resolution used during rasterization
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Skater .NET Obfuscator Ultimate

Skater .NET Obfuscator Ultimate
Skater .NET Obfuscator Ultimate

Rustemsoft proposes Skater .NET Obfuscator, an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. It implements all known software protection techniques and obfuscation algorithms. If you would like periodically obfuscate your .NET products the Skater .NET Obfuscator is for you. Rustemsoft is using the Skater for internal needs securing all Rustemsoft .NET executables and assemblies. Its command-line version running in batch mode is much useful for your scheduled products updates. You have to assign settings for an assembly in GUI version first. Then the batch obfuscate task will use the settings.
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FastReport.Mono 2017.1.6

FastReport.Mono 2017.1.6
FastReport.Mono 2017.1.6 | 4 Mb

FastReport Mono is a multi-platform reporting solution. It can be used with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and any operating system that supports Xamarin Mono. With FastReport.Mono, you can create application-independent .Net and Mono reports. In other words, FastReport.Mono can be used as a stand-alone reporting tool.
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Markdown Monster 1.7.8 Retail

Markdown Monster 1.7.8 Retail
Markdown Monster 1.7.8 Retail | 24 Mb

Markdown is everywhere and many of us are using Markdown for all sorts of different purposes. Wouldn't it be nice if you have an editor that can keep up with all of those scenarios? Markdown Monster is a Markdown editor and viewer that lets you edit Markdown with syntax highlighting and fast text entry. A collapsible, synced, live preview lets you see your output as you type. You can easily embed images, links, emojis and code as text or by using our gentle UI helpers that simplify many operations. You can also paste and drag images directly into the editor. Inline spell-checking and word counts keep your content streamlined unobtrusively.
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Database .NET Plus 23.5.6540.2 Retail

Database .NET Plus 23.5.6540.2 Retail
Database .NET Plus 23.5.6540.2 Retail | 16 Mb

Database .NET is a simple and intuitive database management tool for multiple databases, making local and remote database administration easier. With it you can Create databases, Design tables, Edit data, Export data, Generate scripts and run SQL queries. Create, Shrink, Protect Database. Export to CSV/XML/TXT/XLS/SQL. Syntax Highlighting. Table Editor.
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Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate 2017.2.4

Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate 2017.2.4
Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate 2017.2.4 | 174 Mb

This all-in-one solution is a comprehensive platform that includes a complete set of tools to build reports under jР°vascript, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WPF, Silverlight, WinRT, HTML5, Windows Forms, PHP, Java, and Flex. Powerful report engine, interactive, and easy-to-use report designer and viewer are at your service.
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FastReport .NET NetFx2/NetFx4 2017.4.7

FastReport .NET NetFx2/NetFx4 2017.4.7
FastReport .NET NetFx2/NetFx4 2017.4.7 | 46 Mb

With FastReport.Net, you can create application-independent .Net reports. In other words, FastReport.Net can be used as a standalone reporting tool.

Includes powerful visual report designer for creating and modifying the reports. Your application can run the designer from the code.
Includes online report designer for ASP.Net (only in Enterprise edition)
Connect to any database, use any of its tables or create queries
Add dialogue form(s) to your report to prompt for parameters before running a report
Using built-in script you can manage the interactions with dialogue form controls and perform complex data handling
Finally, view the result and print or export it to many common document formats
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