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Telerik UI for JSP R3 2016 SP1 (2016.3.1028) Retail

Telerik UI for JSP includes a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) framework. It lets you write JSP code to generate widgets that seamlessly integrate with your server-side backend. With MVVM you can manage complex HTML and j@vascript UI with declarative bindings and two-way syncing between views and models. You don’t have to manually keep the view and model in sync; the MVVM framework does it for you.
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core 2016.3.1028 Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core 2016.3.1028 Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core 2016.3.1028 Retail | 43 Mb

ASP.NET Core MVC is a complete rewrite of the .NET framework, delivering exciting changes and expanding the reach of .NET apps. Here’s some of what’s new:

.NET Core and Visual Studio Code enable you to develop and deploy apps on any OS—Windows, Linux or Mac
Tag Helpers provide easier views creation and UI definition
Nuget, Bower and Gulp package managers and automation tools boost your productivity
Unified MVC and Web API programming model simplifies development
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PostSharp Ultimate 4.3.23

PostSharp Ultimate 4.3.23
PostSharp Ultimate 4.3.23 | 20 Mb

PostSharp is the #1 pattern-aware extension to C# and VB. It allows developers to eradicate boilerplate by offloading repeating work from humans to machines. PostSharp contains ready-made implementations of the most common patterns and gives you the tools to build automation for your own patterns. Developers usually think in terms of design patterns, but with conventional programming languages, they end up writing boilerplate code. PostSharp extends the C# and VB languages with a notion of pattern. The result: shorter, cleaner code that’s easier to write and understand, contains fewer defects and is less expensive to maintain.
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LibXL for Windows Retail

LibXL for Windows Retail
LibXL for Windows Retail | 16 Mb

LibXL is a library that can read and write Excel files. It doesn't require Microsoft Excel and .NET framework, combines an easy to use and powerful features. Library can be used to

Generate a new spreadsheet from scratch
Extract data from an existing spreadsheet
Edit an existing spreadsheet
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Telerik UI for PHP R3 2016 SP1 2016.3.1028 Commercial Retail

Telerik UI for PHP is a complete framework for building modern HTML5 web and mobile apps using PHP. The package includes a suite of 40+ jQuery-based UI widgets that come with PHP server wrappers, an MVVM framework, customizable themes and templates. You can easily build rich, modern web applications in your preferred server-side language because Telerik UI for PHP renders the j@vascript.
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The Enigma Protector 4.30 Build 20150225

The Enigma Protector 4.30 Build 20150225
The Enigma Protector 4.30 Build 20150225 | 24 Mb

The Enigma Protector includes a wide range of unique features aimed at protecting executable files from illegal copying, hacking, modification, and analysis. The supported formats include almost all types of 32- and 64-bit executable files (exe, src, dll, ocx, bpl, etc.) and .NET files created using various development tools, such as MS Visual Studio C#/C++/VB/VB.NET, Borland Delphi/C++, FreePascal, MASM, TASM and others. The protected files can be run on all versions of Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Seven and Windows 10.
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NDepend Professional Edition

NDepend Professional Edition
NDepend Professional Edition | 11 Mb

It's hard making impactful decisions without good information. Working on complex software projects can often leave developers and architects out in the cold to fend for themselves. Any small change has the potential to negatively impact the software, leading to delayed launches, a sub-par product, and lost time. NDepend gives developers and architects the power to analyze and assess codebases of any size. It shows your team how everything is connected, where to focus attention to prevent problems in the future, and makes working on code across teams a breeze with its in-depth reporting. Custom reports and metrics also help teams keep management in the loop as they meet deadlines.
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