DotNet » Page 493

XAML Spy 2.5.0

XAML Spy 2.5.0
XAML Spy 2.5.0 | 4 Mb

Spending too much time trying to figure out issues in your app's user interface? Use XAML Spy, and you will know the answer in minutes. XAML Spy provides a real-time view of your app's state. Examine and modify the properties of any element on-the-fly and see the changes reflected immediately in the running app. Do you want to browse files in the isolated storage? Want access to the UI automation tree? Need to understand your app's visual tree? Use XAML Spy, it's all there.
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Syncfusion Essential Studio for Xamarin with Source

Syncfusion Essential Studio for Xamarin with Source
Syncfusion Essential Studio for Xamarin with Source | 19 Mb

Essential Studio for Xamarin is MVVM-compatible and includes a total of six Syncfusion controls. The Chart, TreeMap, and Gauge UI tools provide enterprise-grade processing and interactive visualization for your business data. File-format APIs XlsIO, DocIO, and PDF allow users to easily read, write, and edit Excel, Word, and PDF files on any device.
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Telerik UI for ASP.Net MVC 2014.3.1314 Q3 Commercial with Hotfix

Telerik UI for ASP.Net MVC 2014.3.1314 Q3 Commercial with Hotfix
Telerik UI for ASP.Net MVC 2014.3.1314 Q3 Commercial with Hotfix | 88 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
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PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.14.5747.2013

PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.14.5747.2013
PHP Tools for Visual Studio 1.14.5747.2013 | 12 Mb

PHP Tools transparently integrate into Microsoft Visual Studio, and extend it with the support for PHP language. The extension is focused on developer productivity respecting conventions. It understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation, syntax error checking, integrated PHP manual, project system, debugging support and more.
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Telerik Kendo UI Professional Q3 2014.3.1314 Commercial Retail

Telerik Kendo UI Professional Q3 2014.3.1314 Commercial Retail
Telerik Kendo UI Professional Q3 2014.3.1314 Commercial Retail | 45 Mb

Build apps that look-and-feel native on iOS, Android and BlackBerry. Target multiple phone and tablet platforms with a single UI codebase, using only HTML5, j@vascript, and Kendo UI Mobile. Present rich visual information on any browser and any device. Enjoy hardware-accelerated, touch-aware data visualization widgets, including animated charts, graphs and gauges. Quickly create awesome cross-platform HTML5 apps using an end-to-end framework, engineered for unmatched performance, minimal footprint and ease of use for j@vascript beginners.
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Xamarin VisualStudio 3.9.236 & XamarinStudio

Xamarin VisualStudio 3.9.236 & XamarinStudio
Xamarin VisualStudio 3.9.236 & XamarinStudio | 378 Mb

Build native iOS, Android and Windows apps in Visual Studio. IntelliSense inside Visual Studio enables you to explore the expansive landscape of iOS and Android APIs simply by typing. Quickly lookup types, methods and discover API functionality without breaking your train of thought. Xamarin.iOS for Visual Studio allows you to develop native iOS apps on Windows, with a paired Mac providing build services over the network. Xamarin provides new Visual Studio features for iOS development, including an iOS toolbar, File > New Project for iOS apps, and iOS property pads.
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Syncfusion Orubase

Syncfusion Orubase
Syncfusion Orubase | 80 Mb

Orubase is a complete solution for developing hybrid mobile applications using Microsoft Visual Studio and Apache Cordova. It includes a rich suite of user interface components optimized for building line-of-business applications. Orubase ships with more than 30 pixel-perfect HTML 5-jаvascript user interface controls that provide a native appearance on any mobile device.
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