Altova.JSON Editor 2013

Altova.JSON Editor 2013 | 87 Mb
JSON (jаvascript Object Notation) is a light-weight, text-based language for data interchange. JSON is often used for serializing and transmitting structured data over a network connection and therefore is commonly used in AJAX, Web 2.0, and Web services applications.
The JSON editor in XMLSpy allows you to view and edit JSON files using the same intuitive Text and Grid Views available for XML editing, with useful editing guides and entry helpers. XMLSpy also makes it easy to convert XML to JSON or convert JSON to XML. Unlike any other XML editor, XMLSpy supports both JSON and XML, giving you an easy way to work with JSON in the same environment where you're developing XML, AJAX, and Web services applications. This puts an end to the recent “XML vs. JSON” arguments and gives developers the best of both worlds.
JSON Editing & Conversion Features:
Intelligent JSON editor
Context sensitive entry-helpers
Text view with syntax coloring, source folding, & more
Structural marking to match brackets / braces
Grid view for graphical JSON editing
JSON syntax checking
JSON to XML conversion
XML to JSON conversion
JSON Editor - Text View
The JSON editor Text View provides syntax coloring, line numbering, source folding, bookmarking, and more, making it easy to navigate and understand your JSON code, and find and edit strings. When you enable intelligent JSON editing on the JSON tab of the XMLSpy Info window, the Elements entry helper window provides a dynamically built list of the elements present in your JSON file. You can insert an element from the Elements window by double clicking it, or by dragging it into your document in the editing pane.
Syntax checking in the JSON editor allows you to check that your JSON document is well formed. Any errors are listed in the multi-tabbed Messages window, which also includes a hyperlink to the instance of the error in your document.
JSON Editor - Grid View
The JSON editor Grid View provides a graphical representation that shows the structure / outline of a JSON document through a set of nested containers. These can be easily expanded and collapsed to get a clear picture of the JSON document's tree-like structure.
Grid View in XMLSpy allows you to directly manipulate your JSON document while analyzing its structure in a graphical manner, using advanced drag-and-drop, intelligent XML editing functions. Grid View also provides the Elements entry helper window when intelligent JSON editing is enabled.
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