VisualGDB Ultimate Edition 5.1r3

VisualGDB Ultimate Edition 5.1r3 | 21 Mb
Harness the power of the Visual Studio debugger when developing:
Embedded firmware (STM32, SAM7, MSP430, and more)
Native Android libraries
Linux applications
Linux-based embedded modules such as Raspberry PI
Linux kernel modules with our VisualKernel product
Any other applications that use GDB

Start debugging in seconds
Debug any app without creating a project with Quick Debug:
Select a GDB executable and an application
Enter any advanced GDB commands interactively
Enjoy Visual Studio productivity
Easily step through auto-downloaded source code
Eliminate annoying routine with reusable quick debug presets

Native Android Apps made easy
The Android Edition makes NDK-based development easy:
Create new NDK-based apps with a 3-step wizard
Clone NDK samples to experiment with them
Build, deploy and debug Android apps from Visual Studio
Debug the native code with the Visual Studio debugger
Import NDK code from Eclipse ADT projects

Full integration of GCC and GDB
Make Visual Studio projects for your GCC targets
Automatically import GNU make projects
Support Debug/Release configurations out-of-the-box
Save time with IntelliSense when developing embedded apps
Enjoy Visual Studio debugging experience while using GDB
Use the latest GCC with our pre-built embedded toolchains.

Use a remote machine as a back-end
Use any Linux/MacOS machine as a host for GCC/GDB
Enjoy the mapped error/warning messages
Synchronize source files automatically
Import remote include dirs to use with IntelliSense
Run GDB remotely with our ultra-low-latency build server

Stay in full control
Customize GDB command line
Customize GDB startup commands
Send arbitrary commands to GDB at any moment
Customize source path mapping on-the-fly
Look under the hood - see all interaction with GDB

Automate complex build scenarios
Make custom build actions executed at arbitrary machines
Schedule custom source transfers
Receive files back from build machines
Specify how to interrupt inferior execution
Define different scenarios for different project configurations
Start/prepare GDB yourself and tell VisualGDB to take control


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