SmartInspect » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!


SmartInspect | 11 Mb

SmartInspect is an advanced .NET logging, Java logging and Delphi logging tool for debugging and monitoring software applications. It helps you identify bugs, find solutions to user-reported issues and gives you a precise picture of how your software performs in different environments. Whether you need logging in the development phase, on production systems or at customer sites, SmartInspect is the perfect choice.

.NET Logging
SmartInspect is the right choice for adding logging support to any .NET desktop application, ASP.NET server project or multi-tier database solution. In addition to the core features available in all SmartInspect libraries, the .NET library contains additional features for ADO.NET, LINQ queries and .NET's Trace and Debug API.

Java Logging
All Java applications benefit from the unique features of SmartInspect. Identify and solve problems in your J2EE server project or cross-platform desktop application.Always know exactly how your application behaves and what resources it uses. And if you're already using Java's built-in logging API, you can easily interface it with SmartInspect.

Delphi Logging
If you are a Delphi for Win32 or C++Builder developer, you can use SmartInspect's native Delphi library to add high-performance logging to your Windows desktop or service application.Special database log methods and support for Delphi's RTTI make SmartInspect well suited for all kinds of Delphi projects.


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