Misc. development » Page 242

IP*Works! SSL V9 Android Edition 9.0.5259

IP*Works! SSL V9 Android Edition 9.0.5259
IP*Works! SSL V9 Android Edition 9.0.5259 | 5 Mb

IP*Works! SSL is a no-compromise, comprehensive suite of royalty-free SSL-enabled components. It brings unprecedented ease of use to Secure Internet Development with drop-in replacements for the components in the "classic" IP*Works! package, well known in the development community for their straightforward, intuitive interfaces, and powerful productivity features.
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QSetup Installation Suite Pro

QSetup Installation Suite Pro
QSetup Installation Suite Pro | 6 Mb

QSetup - Windows Installation Software can produce setup files in the form of an MSI (Windows Installer) file as well as a traditional EXE file. Also the user can decide at anytime whether to generate an EXE or MSI installation from the same project definition. QSetup Auto-update is unique in it's ability to create setup that will AUTO-UPDATE from the Internet, when a new version of the program is available. QSetup features an innovative concept the Execution Engine. This engine will let you define special operations to be performed during the various stages of the Install and UnInstall process.
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nSoftware IP Works! WS 9.0.5259 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder

nSoftware IP Works! WS 9.0.5259 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder
nSoftware IP Works! WS 9.0.5259 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder | 8 Mb

IP*Works! WS includes a set of powerful client, server, and proxy components for integrating WebSocket communications capabilities into Web, Desktop, and Mobile applications. The components are perfect for building Web connected applications that require real-time data including chat, multi-player games, live financial applications, and more!
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Clickteam Patch Maker v1.2l

Clickteam Patch Maker v1.2l
Clickteam Patch Maker v1.2l | 2 Mb

The life of a software product is usually marked by the release of different versions. One version differs from the previous one by a small number of changes. Some sections of code in the executable files are different, new files may be added, some even deleted. What the author of the product usually does is provide a whole new version of the files either as a new reinstallable product or just the modified files, compressed into an installer.
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Take Command 16.03.55

Take Command 16.03.55
Take Command 16.03.55 | 19 Mb

Take Command is a comprehensive interactive GUI and command line environment that makes using the Windows command prompt and creating batch files easy and far more powerful. Take Command displays your command line applications in tabbed windows, with optional Explorer-style integration for a visual look at your folders. Take Command includes hundreds of major enhancements to the command line and CMD commands such as COPY, DEL, and DIR, and adds more than 140 new commands, 460 internal variables and functions, a batch file IDE / debugger, and thousands of other features.
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