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Tarma InstallMate 9.121.7444.9013

Tarma InstallMate 9.121.7444.9013
Tarma InstallMate 9.121.7444.9013

Create stand-alone installers for any Windows 32-bit or 64-bit desktop or server platform, with complete customization of all installer actions and dialogs. InstallMate is as intuitive and results-oriented as it gets, making the painstakingly boring task of setup authoring such a breeze and fun. Beginners will find its intuitive approach easy to adapt to and create their first installers in just minutes. Experts still have the ability to create advanced setup projects, there's loads of configuration and freedom under InstallMate's seemingly simple hood. This is top-notch setup authoring at its best.
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HelpXplain v1.8.4 Build 1851

HelpXplain v1.8.4 Build 1851
HelpXplain v1.8.4 Build 1851

HelpXplain is perfect for slideshows embedded into web pages and technical documentation. Create animated step-by-step tutorials and quick instructions in minutes instead of hours. The magic is in the method: HelpXplain animates a series of simple screenshots, each of which can be edited or replaced at any time.
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PE-DESIGN v11.40

PE-DESIGN v11.40
PE-DESIGN v11.40

Packed with powerful and time-saving features, this software is for both the casual hobbyist or the home-based business entrepreneur. Imagine the ability to create your own fonts, stitches and designs once to use many times on hats, pillows, shirts and more. Help reduce the amount of time spent changing threads by using the Intelligent Color Sort feature that will stitch the areas that share one color in groups. Best yet, if you own the Luminaire XP1, enjoy Wireless LAN Connectivity to transfer your embroidery designs and sewing stitches wirelessly.
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