Misc. development » Page 99

Sunisoft Skin Solutions v2 - 2019

Sunisoft Skin Solutions v2 - 2019
Sunisoft Skin Solutions v2 - 2019

Since 2001, we provide skin solutions (SUIPack/SUISkin) for Delphi/C++Builder developers. Since 2005, we extended our skin technique to .NET(Winforms) platform (IrisSkin). Sunisoft Skin Solutions v2 is a full upgrade for all these products. It includes, an upgraded specification for skin description, a brand new SkinBuilder tool which is much easier to use for UI/skin designers, the upgraded components for developers and much more new skins. With it, you can Design freely, Get immediately.
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Tangible Software Source Code Converters Premium Edition 19.10.19

Tangible Software Source Code Converters Premium Edition 19.10.19
Tangible Software Source Code Converters Premium Edition 19.10.19

It Contains:

Instant C# (converts VB.NET code to C#)
Instant VB (converts C# code to VB.NET)
C++ to C# Converter
C++ to Java Converter
C++ to VB Converter
Java to C# Converter
Java to C++ Converter
Java to VB Converter
C# to Java Converter
VB to Java Converter
C# to C++ Converter
VB to C++ Converter
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VisualGDB 5.4r12 (5.4.112 Build 3242)

VisualGDB 5.4r12 (5.4.112 Build 3242)
VisualGDB 5.4r12 (5.4.112 Build 3242)

Cross-platform development with Visual Studio easy and comfortable. It supports:

Barebone embedded systems and IoT modules (see full list)
C/C++ Linux Applications
Native Android Apps and Libraries
Raspberry Pi and other Linux boards
Linux kernel modules (separate VisualKernel product)
Target your own devices and platforms with Extensibility API
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Luxand FaceSDK 7.1.0

Luxand FaceSDK 7.1.0
Luxand FaceSDK 7.1.0

FaceSDK enables Microsoft Visual C++, C#, Objective C, VB, Java and Delphi developers to build 32-bit and 64-bit applications for Web, Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android with face recognition and face-based biometric identification functionality. FaceSDK is used in hundreds of applications for identifying and authenticating users with webcams, looking up matching faces in photo databases, automatically detecting facial features in graphic editors, and detecting faces on still images and video streams in real-time. FaceSDK has been used for building secure identification, surveillance, time and attendance control systems.
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Eterlogic VDSDK (Virtual Drive SDK version

Eterlogic VDSDK (Virtual Drive SDK version
Eterlogic VDSDK (Virtual Drive SDK version

Virtual Drive SDK allows you to create and manage virtual disks that appear in Windows as regular disks. Virtual disk can be located anywhere: on hard disk, network, random access memory, database etc. To do this on your own you need to develop a driver that requires deep knowledge of operating system internals, and a lot of time for debugging and testing it. Virtual Drive SDK makes possible to implement read/write operations without having to develop your own kernel driver. All necessary part of boring work is done, so you can focus on storage, encryption etc.
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SpreadsheetConverter Pro v10.3.7812 with additional flavors

SpreadsheetConverter Pro v10.3.7812 with additional flavors
SpreadsheetConverter Pro v10.3.7812 with additional flavors

Convert Excel spreadsheets to calculating web pages. With this powerful add-in for Excel, you can convert spreadsheets to modern web pages with functionality that would be very costly to develop with the help of a professional web designer. Help your users buy the right volume of seeds for their garden, select the best printer or order 200 customize rubber tubes.

List of Flavor:
Html Flavor (Pro)
AspNet Flavor (Pro)
Java Flavor (Pro)
Smartphone Flavor (Pro)
Flash Flavor (Pro)
Support Flavor (Pro)
SpreadsheetServer Flavor (Pro)
Batch Flavor (Pro)
AdvancedSubmitService Flavor (Pro)
Wildcard Flavor (Pro)
Nodejs Flavor (Pro)
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EAGetMail POP3/IMAP4 Component

EAGetMail POP3/IMAP4 Component
EAGetMail POP3/IMAP4 Component

Retrieve email from POP3 server or IMAP4 server and parse email in ASP, VB, VBA, VC++, Managed C++, C#, VB.NET, JScript, ASP.NET, Delphi or other COM/.NET environment applications. SSL, TLS, S/MIME, Gmail OAUTH, Live OAUTH, HTML and Embedded Images are supported. EAGetMail POP3 & IMAP4 component allows developers to deliver reliable and feature-rich email applications in VB6, ASP, C++, C#, VB.NET, JScript.NET, ASP.NET or other .NET framework more easily. Many advanced features are supported including TNEF parser (winmail.dat)пјЊOutlook .MSG file parser and S/MIME.
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GigaSoft ProEssentials Pro v9.5.0.32 .NET C++ MFC Delphi ActiveX Charting

GigaSoft ProEssentials Pro v9.5.0.32 .NET C++ MFC Delphi ActiveX Charting
GigaSoft ProEssentials Pro v9.5.0.32 .NET C++ MFC Delphi ActiveX Charting

Why ProEssentials? Take 10 seconds and run the demo! View our example code. See our documentation. Download and see first-hand the speed and rendering quality: Zoom the date-time, logarithmic and polar examples and study the axes and how well they behave. Stretch and size the pie charts and others and study their behavior. Rotate our 3d and simply play with our charts to experience our depth of logic and desktop quality. ProEssentials is a highly tested (distribution in the millions) robust commercial-grade charting library with an extremely simple property interface. Gigasoft regularly works with the largest and most technical organizations building the most serious desktop charting solutions. We have solved charting problems for over 20 years and our simple property oriented api simplifies success and maximizes your professional appeal.
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