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V.I.P Membership

V.I.P Membership

We launch V.I.P Membership and Platinum Membership. Before continuing the VIP/Platinum Membership please register yourself by click here. Your little donation can help us a lot.

1 Day VIP = 10$ ...... Pay Now

In 1 Day VIP Plan you get 2 (two) files ONLY in 24 hours via Email. No Platinum Contents.

1 Day Platinum = 49$ ...... Pay Now

In 1 Day Platinum Plan you get 2 (two) Platinum files ONLY in 24 hours via Email.

1 Month VIP = 30$ ...... Pay Now
In this plan you get 3 (three) files EVERYDAY in 24 hours. No Platinum Contents.

6 Month VIP = 50$ ...... Pay Now

In this plan you get 5 (five) files EVERYDAY in 24 hours. No Platinum Contents.

ONE YEAR VIP = 80$ ...... Pay Now

In this plan you get 5 (five) files EVERYDAY in 24 hours. No Platinum Contents.

LIFETIME PLATINUM Membership = Read more from here ...... Read More

Unlimited access everything including Platinum Contents.



1. Do not share / resale any link to outside if you did this we block you immediate without any notice. 


3. Membership Rules & Norms can be changed anytime without prior notification.

Last Modified: 20th July 2022

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Platinum Membership 199.99 USD

Lifetime Subscription
UNLIMITED Downloads/per day.
Exclusive release like Source Code and etc.


One Day Platinum Membership 39.99 USD

One Day Platinum Membership.
You get only two (2) Platinum Files.
Support via Email only.


Gold V.I.P Membership 79.99 USD

Gold V.I.P
8 Download per day
Validity 365 days
No Platinum contents


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Validity 180 days
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Bronze V.I.P Membership 29.99 USD

Bronze V.I.P
3 Download per day
Validity 30 days
No Platinum contents


One Day V.I.P Membership 10 USD

One Day V.I.P Membership.
You get only two (2) V.I.P Files.
Support via Email only.
No Platinum contents.


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Anatomy Of A Delphi 10.3 Rio Firemonkey App On #Android, #IOS, #Windows, And #macOS

Anatomy Of A Delphi 10.3 Rio Firemonkey App On #Android, #IOS, #Windows, And #macOS

If you are new to working with a full featured framework like Firemonkey you may be wondering at the size of the apps that Delphi 10.3 Rio Firemonkey generates. The Firemonkey Framework has hundreds of thousands of lines of code that allows you to jump ahead and start building the app you want to build now instead of the bricks in the road to get there. Hopefully this infographic will provide some insight into what makes up an APK/IPA cross platform application deployed from Delphi 10.3 with the FMX framework. The infographic covers Android, IOS, Windows, and Mac OSX apps/packages/libraries/archives created using the Firemonkey framework. Tools that utilize the Firemonkey framework are Delphi 10.3, C++Builder 10.3, and RAD Studio 10.3. The infographic only covers Release mode (something you could deploy to your customers). I have also included a VCL section in the infographic so that you can compare the Windows only VCL framework to the cross platform FMX framework. Also keep in mind that when you use debug information or are in Debug mode your file could be significantly larger. The sizes of the generated files are included in the green circles. There is the normal compiled size and then there is the compressed or packaged size. APK and IPA files are packaged and compressed. The compressed sizes for Windows and Mac OSX were achieved using the 7Zip format. Here is some information directly from the infographic as well about what units are included in a FMX app on Android (it is slightly different on each platform) and how those units effect the size of the deployable file.
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Platinum Membership

Platinum Membership

Platinum Membership has all of the VIP Membership privileges plus no waiting period for the password requests. Passwords are included in the thread.

List of Benefits:
1. You get everything much faster, even before our final release.
2. File passwords are already included in the thread.
3. You can access/download all post from PLATINUM and VIP sections.
4. You can discuss and share ideas with our dedicated developer about products.
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Customer Guidance for WannaCrypt attacks

Customer Guidance for WannaCrypt attacks
Customer Guidance for WannaCrypt attacks

Today many of our customers around the world and the critical systems they depend on were victims of malicious “WannaCrypt” software. Seeing businesses and individuals affected by cyberattacks, such as the ones reported today, was painful. Microsoft worked throughout the day to ensure we understood the attack and were taking all possible actions to protect our customers. This blog spells out the steps every individual and business should take to stay protected. Additionally, we are taking the highly unusual step of providing a security update for all customers to protect Windows platforms that are in custom support only, including Windows XP, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2003. Customers running Windows 10 were not targeted by the attack today.
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Be Responsive: .NET UI for Any Device

Telerik is introducing a wide range of capabilities in the Q2' 2014 DevCraft™ edition to help you build .NET apps using any technology—established or evolving. This release offers new responsive capabilities to help your ASP.NET projects meet the mobile challenge and significant document processing and productivity enhancements for both, desktop and web.
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