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VMware ESXi 8.0.2

VMware ESXi 8.0.2
VMware ESXi 8.0.2

Discover a robust, bare-metal hypervisor that installs directly onto your physical server. With direct access to and control of underlying resources, VMware ESXi effectively partitions hardware to consolidate applications and cut costs. It’s the industry leader for efficient architecture, setting the standard for reliability, performance, and support.
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DMSoft DBConvert for Access and FoxPro 3.4.9

DMSoft DBConvert for Access and FoxPro 3.4.9
DMSoft DBConvert for Access and FoxPro 3.4.9

Convert and Sync Data between Access and DBF Formats. DBConvert/DBSync for MS Access and MS FoxPro is a reliable two-way database migration software that supports the conversion and synchronization of Microsoft Access (.mdb or .accdb files) to both MS FoxPro (.DBC) and FoxPro free tables (.DBF). Additionally, data can be saved into an MS Visual FoxPro Program (*.prg).
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PVS-Studio 7.29.79138.771

PVS-Studio 7.29.79138.771
PVS-Studio 7.29.79138.771

PVS-Studio performs static code analysis and generates a report that helps a programmer find and fix bugs. PVS-Studio performs a wide range of code checks, it is also useful to search for misprints and Copy-Paste errors. Examples of such errors: V501, V517, V522, V523, V3001.
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Devart dbForge Edge 4in1 Enterprise Edition v2.0.6

Devart dbForge Edge 4in1 Enterprise Edition v2.0.6
Devart dbForge Edge 4in1 Enterprise Edition v2.0.6

Let's see. You need to deal with multiple database management systems. At the same time, you want to be flexible and effective at handling a broad range of database development, management, and administration tasks. Most importantly, you don't have any time to waste on stitching together a large and consistent toolset that would fully meet your needs—and surely you don't want to spend much time learning how to use it. You just want to start being versatile and productive at once.
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TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.3.0.0 (January 24, 2024) Setup + Source + VSC

TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.3.0.0 (January 24, 2024) Setup + Source + VSC
TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.3.0.0 (January 24, 2024) Setup + Source + VSC

TTMSFNCWidgetProgress: Circular progress indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetSetPoint: Value indicator with range & and setpoint
TTMSFNCWidgetMultiProgress: Concentric circle based progress indicator for multiple values
TTMSFNCWidgetDistributionIndicator: Values distribution indicator in various modes: donut, pie, horiz. bar, vert. bar, funnel
TTMSFNCWidgetMarqueeProgress: Continuous running or marquee style progress indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetLCDLabel: 7-segment LCD based value indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetGauge: Highly configureable gauge control
TTMSFNCWidgetArrow: Arrow control for indicating trends via arrow up/down
TTMSFNCWidgetTrendIndicator: Trend-indicator chart control with line, area & bar type
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