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DBeaver Ultimate

DBeaver Ultimate
DBeaver Ultimate

DBeaver is a comprehensive and effective software solution geared towards developers and database administrators who need to manage and organize tables, triggers, views and stored procedures from multiple databases. Irrespective of the database you choose to work with, here referring to MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 and Firebird, the application comes in handy for users who need to handle multiple connections, thus organizing and editing various database objects including indexes, user accounts and scripts.
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TMS RemoteDB v2.19.0.2 Full Source for DXE2-D12 Athens

TMS RemoteDB v2.19.0.2 Full Source for DXE2-D12 Athens
TMS RemoteDB v2.19.0.2 Full Source for DXE2-D12 Athens

The RemoteDB Server is a Delphi application/service that listen to http requests. When clients perform requests, the RemoteDB Server will forward the requests to the actual database server being used, using the specified database-access component. The SQL is performed and the results are returned back to the client. You can choose the components that will perform the SQL statements from a wide-range of options such as FireDac, dbExpress, dbGo (ADO), among others, using component adapters. The SQL database can be any database server supported by the components used, and must be thread-safe (most are).
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TMS Business Core Library v1.43.0.2 Full Source

TMS Business Core Library v1.43.0.2 Full Source
TMS Business Core Library v1.43.0.2 Full Source

Add business intelligence to applications and application development with VCL frameworks, libraries, components to automate & streamline development as well as use of applications. From ORM framework to dynamically extending applications with scripting tools, TMS Business Subscription makes the developer & user more productive.
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TMS WEB Core v2.7.0.1 Retail for D11-D12 Athens

TMS WEB Core v2.7.0.1 Retail for D11-D12 Athens
TMS WEB Core v2.7.0.1 Retail for D11-D12 Athens

Save valuable time and create rich user experiences with our framework for modern web applications. All our tools are backed by a dedicated team of experienced developers. You can count on an excellent service, a lively community and our continuous innovations. TMS Software is your partner for modern WEB client applications, with a lot of free learning tools, how-to guides and a passionate community of developers & support!
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TSPlus Enterprise Edition v17.20.6.11 with TSplus Advanced Security v6.6.5.7

TSPlus Enterprise Edition v17.20.6.11 with TSplus Advanced Security v6.6.5.7
TSPlus Enterprise Edition v17.20.6.11 with TSPlus Advanced Security v6.6.5.7

If you want to secure your offices even more, there are add-ons we can offer.Whatever your needs and budget are, Tsplus Advanced Security can be adapted to answer them, whether you’re a recently sprung company or a long-term universal business. Security Companion Tool is issued in two releases – our Advanced Security Ultimate Protection and Advanced Security . TSplus Protection allied with Security Companion Tool makes for the perfect protection combo. Your distant communications will be effectively safe with this best in show system of a cutting edge protection instrument. five minutes is all it takes to protect your RDS Servers and enjoy our exceptional add-on discounted TSplus pricing offers!
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ReportBuilder 22.06 Enterprise (Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria/Athens, 32/64bit)

ReportBuilder 22.06 Enterprise (Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria/Athens, 32/64bit)
ReportBuilder 22.06 Enterprise (Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria/Athens, 32/64bit)

ReportBuilder is the de-facto standard for Delphi reporting solutions. The genesis of ReportBuilder was the desire to deliver a product that does for reporting what Delphi does for application development. In that spirit, ReportBuilder provides both a RAD environment and an object-oriented platform for solving the reporting equation. The RB story continues to be written every day as we continue to evolve the product and collaborate with the RB community. It’s our passion.
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TMS Sphinx v1.13.0.2 Full Source for Delphi 10 - Delphi 12 Athens

TMS Sphinx v1.13.0.2 Full Source for Delphi 10 - Delphi 12 Athens
TMS Sphinx v1.13.0.2 Full Source for Delphi 10 - Delphi 12 Athens

Delphi framework for Identity Access Management, including authorization and authentication. OAuth2 compliant authorization mechanism, supporting grants: implicit, client credentials and authorization code with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange). Follows OpenID Connect specification for login workflow and identity token issuance.
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