WebSmartz Banner Designer Pro 5.1 DC21072013 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

WebSmartz Banner Designer Pro 5.1 DC21072013

WebSmartz Banner Designer Pro 5.1 DC21072013
WebSmartz Banner Designer Pro 5.1 DC21072013 | 50 Mb

Banner Designer Pro, one of the most capable banner creator software exceptionally designs beautiful banners with the help of various effective and powerful features embed in it. Even intensive Flash banners can be created via this tool by anyone since one does not need to be an expert in flash programming to use this tool. Simple interface and diverse elements in the flash banner software help one create attractive banners in no time. Along with this, users get the flexibility of getting the output in any format of their preference such as HTML, GIF, JPEG, SWF, etc.

Banner Rotator
With the help of the banner rotator functionality, multiple banners are displayed in a particular pattern on a web-page. You can easily mention the URL of your choice where you wish the viewer to be redirected when a particular image is clicked by him. The user can retrieve the jаvascript code that has been created by the banner ad rotator.

Character mapping and Arc text
This banner maker software gives its user the power to give a curved effect to any text. This can be done with the help of the Arc text feature available in the software. With Character map, you can view the characters for a font available and subsequently insert them in the banner that you are creating.

Library to choose backgrounds of your choice
Whether it is static or animated background that you want to use, there is a huge variety that you can get in the tool. Over 350 static backgrounds are available that have been classified under 18 banner sizes. Apart from this, more than 50 animated banners backgrounds can be applied on almost any banner, no matter what its size is.

Add images with 'Fill with Image' feature
In any selected object, you can add image of your choice with the 'Fill with Image' feature. Along with the image, you can fill symbol, text and shape as well. It is according to the shape of the selected object that the image will appear masked into.

