Advanced Recent Access 5.0 Build 014 Multilingual » Developer.Team

Advanced Recent Access 5.0 Build 014 Multilingual

Advanced Recent Access 5.0 Build 014 Multilingual
Advanced Recent Access 5.0 Build 014 Multilingual

Advanced Recent Access is designed to see and open more recent used resources (files and directories). And you can see more properties of the recent resources, such as path, size, type, date modified and date created. See More Properties of Recent Used Resources
+ Shows path, size, type and date modified/created of recent used resources.

+ Automatically record accessed times.
+ Automatically delete the nonexistent recent resources.
+ Can quickly filter the recent resources by their types, such as
directories, documents, images, audio, videos, compressed and others.
+ Automatically refresh recent resources list.
+ Automatically remember the order and width of the columns,
sorting column and order.
+ Automatically remember the size and location of the main window.
+ Can hide some columns that you do not want to see.

Whats New :

Features / Improvements

Important (I): fully supports native н•њкµ­м–ґ.
I: fully supports native Deutsch.
I: added "Run it when PC boots" option (in previous, ARA will always autostart, cannot be set).
I: optimized the interface greatly: more beautiful, friendlier and easier to use.
I: now can show the update history directly if the new version is available and you chose to view the updates (in previous versions, just only jump to the 'Update History' segment, but have not expanded it, you need to expand it manually to see the update history).
Removed the "Add to Quick Launch Bar" option from the installer, because from Win Vista, it has no meaning.
Changed the splitter color from black to gray for about interface to make it friendlier.
Optimized the license agreement for installer.
Optimized official website.
Optimized internal efficiency.

Only for V.I.P
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