All kind of softwares » Page 22

Astrology House Janus 6.0

Astrology House Janus 6.0
Astrology House Janus 6.0

Astrology House Janus has all of the standard calculation features expected of a top of the line astrology software program, including natal and transit reports, astro-mapping, Arabic Parts, fixed stars, progressed charts and return charts. It also has specialist modules for Traditional Western Medieval, Hellenistic, Horary and Electional Astrology; Vedic, Cosmobiology and Uranian Astrology.
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Net Monitor For Employees Pro 6.2.1

Net Monitor For Employees Pro 6.2.1
Net Monitor For Employees Pro 6.2.1

Net Monitor for Employees Professional allows you to see screens of computers connected to the network. This way you can observe what your employees are doing! Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard. You can record remote computers screens even when you are not monitoring them. When your employees need instructions, you can show them your desktop. To increase your efficiency the console now include several tolls that can be executed on all or just selected remote computers. When you need attention you can send a message to employees and/or lock the remote computer.
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TSplus Server Monitoring v5.4.1128.944 + Crack

TSplus Server Monitoring v5.4.1128.944 + Crack
TSplus Server Monitoring v5.4.1128.944 + Crack

TSplus Server Monitoring gives you historical and real-time facts and data about your servers, websites, applications and users. Get a clear understanding of usage and performance. Obtain and share relevant reports in seconds to fully control your environment. Monitor your servers and websites from one interface, so you can understand, predict and avoid any issue that could harm your production.
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NamicSoft Scan Report Assistant

NamicSoft Scan Report Assistant
NamicSoft Scan Report Assistant

NamicSoft offers a user-friendly interface designed to efficiently convert your vulnerability scanning results into polished Microsoft Word (.docx) reports. Our software also facilitates exporting results to Excel spreadsheets (xlsx) or a SQL database (sqlite). Additional functionalities include host merging, editing host and vulnerability information, and flexible result filtering based on parameters like port and severity.
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Deskshare - License Plate Detector v6.22

Deskshare - License Plate Detector v6.22
Deskshare - License Plate Detector v6.22

Security Monitor Pro turns your PC and IP cameras into a full video security and surveillance system. It is easy to use and extremely reliable for day-to-day operation. Configuration takes only a few minutes, even for a novice. Currently more than 2200 different IP camera models and virtually all Webcams are supported. Security Monitor Pro is the most feature rich IP video surveillance software.
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