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FSA from XML 1.0 from September 21, 2023

FSA from XML 1.0 from September 21, 2023
FSA from XML 1.0 from September 21, 2023

FSA from XML is a tool that can load FSA from XML and autodetect functions for actions in pascal code. FSA stands for Finite State Automaton.
The United States Department of Education, Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) implemented its first XML schema in 2002. The FSA uses XML to simplify and streamline data exchange across postsecondary education. The FSA XML Framework outlines the FSA's target state and implementation strategy for using XML across the enterprise.
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Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3.1 x64

Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3.1 x64
Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3.1 x64

Delphi® 11.3 is the fastest way to develop native cross-platform applications using cloud services and broad IoT connectivity. It provides powerful VCL components for Windows 10 and enables FMX development for Windows, Mac Mac64 and mobile devices. Delphi® 11 supports with a wide range of services for enterprise-oriented development. Look at increased memory for large projects, expanded multi-monitor support, an improved object inspector, and more. Delphi® 11.3 delivers 5x faster development and deployment speeds across multiple desktop, mobile, cloud and database platforms, including 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10.
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DBi Tech dbiCalendar Silverlight v2.0.0.5

DBi Tech dbiCalendar Silverlight v2.0.0.5
DBi Tech dbiCalendar Silverlight v2.0.0.5

dbi Calendar Silverlight combines three Silverlight scheduling controls in one. Manage all of your dynamic Outlook style Schedule requirements with ease and with one control. Multi Column Day view, Month view and Week view - all in one Silverlight Control. dbi Calendar Silverlight offers Direct edit appointment scheduling with multiple calendar dimensions; appointments, contacts, locations or tasks.
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Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R1 2023 (version 2023.1.0116.1) Retail

Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R1 2023 (version 2023.1.0116.1) Retail
Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) R1 2023 (version 2023.1.0116.1) Retail

Before universal apps came along, creating apps for Windows 8.x Store and Windows Phone 8 was mostly a two-app project. Thanks to the universal Windows paradigm across devices, developers write code once and deploy on multiple Windows platforms with just small tweaks on the user interface. Telerik UI for Windows Universal plays nice with Microsoft Visual Studio and creates a Shared project template for Universal Apps allowing the same app to be written for Windows 8.1 Store and Windows Phone 8.1 with little code changes.
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Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3 x64

Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3 x64
Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Alexandria Version 28.0.47991.2819 Lite v17.3 x64

Delphi® 11.3 is the fastest way to develop native cross-platform applications using cloud services and broad IoT connectivity. It provides powerful VCL components for Windows 10 and enables FMX development for Windows, Mac Mac64 and mobile devices. Delphi® 11 supports with a wide range of services for enterprise-oriented development. Look at increased memory for large projects, expanded multi-monitor support, an improved object inspector, and more. Delphi® 11.3 delivers 5x faster development and deployment speeds across multiple desktop, mobile, cloud and database platforms, including 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10.
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