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MobaXterm v23.3

MobaXterm v23.3
MobaXterm v23.3

Managing and administering several computers connected to the same network often involves complex tasks, most of them necessitating remote connectivity. Administrators and professionals use various tools to carry out specific actions, but, when everything is available from the same place, things can turn from tedious to productive.
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AnySQL Maestro Professional

AnySQL Maestro Professional
AnySQL Maestro Professional | 16 Mb

AnySQL Maestro is a unique tool for administering any database engine (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, etc.) which is accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider. Windows clipboard, drag-and-drop operations, local pop-up menus - all of them can be used with database objects now! For example, to copy an object, simply drag and drop the object from one database to another, or use the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts instead of performing a long succession of manual operations.
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