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ag-Grid Enterprise v21.0.1

ag-Grid Enterprise v21.0.1
ag-Grid Enterprise v21.0.1

What makes ag-Grid different from the other grids? We are proud of the amount of polish and completeness of our grid; the features below are our personal favourites. They are hard to find in alternative offerings, let alone combined and working out of the box together at the level we offer.
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SQLMaestro Oracle PHP Generator Professional Edition

SQLMaestro Oracle PHP Generator Professional Edition
SQLMaestro Oracle PHP Generator Professional Edition

Create professional quality data-driven web applications for your Oracle databases without any programming. Oracle PHP Generator allows you to create applications that look fine on any device from a mobile phone to an extralarge desktop. Oracle PHP Generator is unique software that allows making full-fledged web database applications in several clicks.
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Aspose.Html for .NET v19.5.0

Aspose.Html for .NET v19.5.0
Aspose.Html for .NET v19.5.0

Aspose.HTML for .NET is an advanced HTML manipulation API to create and manipulate HTML documents within .NET applications. Developers can insert, remove, replace HTML nodes, extract CSS styles, navigate through HTML document either by NodeIterator, TreeWalker that is provided by traversal specifications, XPath or CSS selector queries. Furthermore, It allows HTML DOM manipulation via jаvascript through its own scripting.
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Aspose.Words for .NET v19.3.0 + Xamarin Edition

Aspose.Words for .NET v19.3.0 + Xamarin Edition
Aspose.Words for .NET v19.3.0 + Xamarin Edition

Aspose.Words for .NET is an advanced Word document processing API to perform a wide range of document management and manipulation tasks. API supports to generate, modify, convert, render and print documents without utilizing Microsoft Word directly within cross-platform applications. Moreover, API supports all the popular Word Processing file formats as well as allows exporting or converting Word documents to fixed-layout file formats and most commonly used image/multimedia formats.
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Aspose.PDF for .NET v19.5.0

Aspose.PDF for .NET v19.5.0
Aspose.PDF for .NET v19.5.0

Native APIs to Generate, Manipulate, Compress, Secure and Convert PDF files to multiple formats without any Adobe Acrobat dependencies. Create, Edit, Protect and Convert PDF documents to multiple formats within .NET-based applications without any Adobe Acrobat dependencies.
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Aspose.Imaging for .NET v19.4.0

Aspose.Imaging for .NET v19.4.0
Aspose.Imaging for .NET v19.4.0

Create, Manipulate, Draw and Convert images without any image editor dependencies. Aspose.Imaging for .NET is an advanced image processing API that allows the developers to create, edit, draw or convert images. Image export and conversion is the one of API core feature as well as it allows saving to Adobe Photoshop® native formats without having Photoshop application or any other image editor installed.
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Stimulsoft Reports Server 2019.3.1

Stimulsoft Reports Server 2019.3.1
Stimulsoft Reports Server 2019.3.1

Stimulsoft Reports.Server is a client-server system that allows you to easily and effectively implement a full cycle of working with reports from the designing and automation of execution information processing tasks to preparing for convenient presentation of results to users. Functionality and power of the reporting module is implemented using a fast and modern technology Stimulsoft Reports which flexibility and reliability is time-tested.
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