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Telerik UI for Xamarin R3 2020 (version 2020.3.1106.460) Retail

Telerik UI for Xamarin R3 2020 (version 2020.3.1106.460) Retail
Telerik UI for Xamarin R3 2020 (version 2020.3.1106.460) Retail

Telerik UI for Xamarin uses the Xamarin.Forms technology, which makes it possible for developers to build native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps from a single shared C# code base. The Telerik Chart and Calendar for Xamarin enables developers to easily implement various charting functionalities in their Xamarin.Forms projects and achieve the same scenarios across platforms using a single shared C# code base.
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WiseJ 2.2.19 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET

WiseJ 2.2.19 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET
WiseJ 2.2.19 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET

Wisej provides a platform and set of tools designed to ease the burden of developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining complex business software. It bridges the gap between traditional WinForms-style desktop applications and the web by empowering developers to leverage their existing .NET and C# skills. Developers are able to use the tools they are familiar with, like a pixel-perfect design surface and drag-and-drop controls with the languages they are comfortable with (C# or VB.NET) to build real-time web applications without having to learn HTML, CSS, or jаvascript. They can stay in their favorite IDE like Visual Studio to take advantage of features like IntelliSense, integrated debugging, design surfaces and source control integration. Front-end developers can leverage their knowledge of web technologies to augment applications and seamlessly integrate third-party packages like HTML5 charting libraries and ASP.NET controls.
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IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect 18.5.0

IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect 18.5.0
IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect 18.5.0

Data modelers and architects have to respond to multiple levels of data-related business needs. Some key activities that may need their attention include:

Build out a data model as part of a development cycle
Discover and document existing assets across the data landscape
Create and populate a data warehouse
Build out an enterprise data model
Catalog metadata for data governance or data quality initiatives
Perform an impact analysis of new policies or projected changes to models, databases, or data fields
ER/Studio Data Architect helps to address all of these situations, with robust logical and physical modeling, data dictionaries, forward and reverse engineering, and more.
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WiseJ 2.2.17 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET

WiseJ 2.2.17 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET
WiseJ 2.2.17 Cracked - Build Web Applications 100x Faster with C# or VB.NET

Wisej provides a platform and set of tools designed to ease the burden of developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining complex business software. It bridges the gap between traditional WinForms-style desktop applications and the web by empowering developers to leverage their existing .NET and C# skills. Developers are able to use the tools they are familiar with, like a pixel-perfect design surface and drag-and-drop controls with the languages they are comfortable with (C# or VB.NET) to build real-time web applications without having to learn HTML, CSS, or jаvascript. They can stay in their favorite IDE like Visual Studio to take advantage of features like IntelliSense, integrated debugging, design surfaces and source control integration. Front-end developers can leverage their knowledge of web technologies to augment applications and seamlessly integrate third-party packages like HTML5 charting libraries and ASP.NET controls.
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SharpCrafters PostSharp v6.7.10 Enterprise

SharpCrafters PostSharp v6.7.10 Enterprise
SharpCrafters PostSharp v6.7.10 Enterprise

PostSharp is the #1 pattern-aware extension to C# and VB. It allows developers to eradicate boilerplate by offloading repeating work from humans to machines. PostSharp contains ready-made implementations of the most common patterns and gives you the tools to build automation for your own patterns. Developers usually think in terms of design patterns, but with conventional programming languages, they end up writing boilerplate code. PostSharp extends the C# and VB languages with a notion of pattern. The result: shorter, cleaner code that’s easier to write and understand, contains fewer defects and is less expensive to maintain.
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Radzen 2.54.5 - .Net Core, Angular, Business Web Applications Builder

Radzen 2.54.5 - .Net Core, Angular, Business Web Applications Builder
Radzen 2.54.5 - .Net Core, Angular, Business Web Applications Builder

Build and launch web apps visually, while we generate clean code for you. Radzen is just one-click away. Simple to setup, maintain and update. Connect to your database. Radzen infers your data and creates a fully functional web application. Supports MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, OData, Swagger, REST services.
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Visual Micro 2020.910.8 for VS 2017 - 2019 (Visual Studio IDE for Arduino)

Visual Micro 2020.910.8 for VS 2017 - 2019 (Visual Studio IDE for Arduino)
Visual Micro 2020.910.8 for VS 2017 - 2019 (Visual Studio IDE for Arduino)

Note to new users: Intellisense and build/upload are two seperate functions of Visual Micro. You might see a few invalid intellisense errors (which you should report to the forum). After building a project with substantial code changes intellisense will become more accurate. However for some boards it is only 99% but can easily be extended.... Set the "Errors List" window to "Build Only" and/or "Open Documents Only" if false intellisense errors are annoying you, +report your code + board name to the forum thanks!
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