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EurekaLog RC 5 Professional

EurekaLog RC 5 Professional
EurekaLog RC 5 Professional | 116 Mb

EurekaLog is the new Delphi and C++Builder exception tracer tool that gives your application (GUI, Console, Web, etc.) the power to catch all exceptions, memory leaks and detect infinite-loops and deadlocks. It generates a detailed log with the call stack at the point that raised the exception, showing unit, class, method and line number, (see this example), and displays it on screen and optionally sends it back to you via email or to a Web Server (using the HTTP-S/FTP protocols or sending directly to your preferred "Web Bug Tracker" software), thus helping speed up the process of bug-location and resolution by a factor of 10!
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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 2.2.4

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 2.2.4
Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 2.2.4 | 12 Mb

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder is a comprehensive and lightweight software that provides users with a simple means of creating, editing and personalizing websites. The aforementioned application is worth having when you need to create complete and customized websites. By using the WYSIWYG algorithm helps you to display all the elements in the exact position as in the designer. Quick 'n Easy Web Builder is a website building utility that aims to design and build full-featured web pages without the need to add HTML code scripts.
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WPTools v7.12.0d + premiumX Delphi XE-XE6

WPTools v7.12.0d + premiumX Delphi XE-XE6
WPTools v7.12.0d + premiumX Delphi XE-XE6 | 11 Mb

As Delphi developer You know - the advantages of a true VCL component are hard to beat. A true VCL component can be configured inside the IDE, it compiles directly into the application and does not require any runtime libraries. When the source code is available it is easy to find problems and to enhance the component.
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WYSIWYG Web Builder 9.4.3

WYSIWYG Web Builder 9.4.3

WYSIWYG Web Builder 9.4.3 | 8 Mb

Web Builder is a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) program used to create web pages. WYSIWYG means that the finished page will display exactly the way it was designed. The program generates HTML (HyperText Markup Language) tags while you point and click on desired functions; you can create a web page without learning HTML. Just drag and drop objects to the page position them 'anywhere' you want and when you're finished publish it to your web server (using the built in Publish tool). Web Builder gives you full control over the content and layout of your web page.
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