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C++Builder 10.2.3 C++ Compiler 4k Stack Allocation Patch

C++Builder 10.2.3 C++ Compiler 4k Stack Allocation Patch
C++Builder 10.2.3 C++ Compiler 4k Stack Allocation Patch

This patch addresses an issue with the C++ compiler in C++Builder 10.2.3 for Windows 32-bit applications and DLLs with stack allocation of a memory block of 4KB (one page) or more, when the allocation is within a function that uses fastcall calling convention.
The issue was originally reported as RSP-20171 on our Quality Portal, with duplicate issues of RSP-20297 and RSP-20173.
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Forms9Patch v1.2.0.3 for Xamarin

Forms9Patch v1.2.0.3 for Xamarin
Forms9Patch v1.2.0.3 for Xamarin

Xamarin Forms is great for developing apps on Android and iOS but it is missing some important features:

Scalable images
PCL and SharedLibrary, multi-screen / multi-resolution image management
HTML formatted text for labels and buttons
PCL and SharedLibrary custom font management
Android developers can use NinePatch bitmaps, the drawable directory naming convention, Html.FromHtml, and a bunch of complex file manipulations to address the image issue. Likewise, iOS developers can use ResizeableImageWithCapInsets, the @2x, @3x, @4x file naming convention, and some 3rd party libraries for this purpose. Forms 9 Patch enhances Xamarin Forms to make multi-resolution / multi-screen image management, custom fonts, and HTML text formatting easy for PCL and Shared Library apps for iOS and Android.
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Forms9Patch v1.1.1 for Xamarin

Forms9Patch v1.1.1 for Xamarin
Forms9Patch v1.1.1 for Xamarin

Xamarin Forms is great for developing apps on Android and iOS but it is missing some important features:

Scalable images
PCL and SharedLibrary, multi-screen / multi-resolution image management
HTML formatted text for labels and buttons
PCL and SharedLibrary custom font management
Android developers can use NinePatch bitmaps, the drawable directory naming convention, Html.FromHtml, and a bunch of complex file manipulations to address the image issue. Likewise, iOS developers can use ResizeableImageWithCapInsets, the @2x, @3x, @4x file naming convention, and some 3rd party libraries for this purpose. Forms 9 Patch enhances Xamarin Forms to make multi-resolution / multi-screen image management, custom fonts, and HTML text formatting easy for PCL and Shared Library apps for iOS and Android.
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TMS FixInsight 2016.04

TMS FixInsight 2016.04
TMS FixInsight 2016.04 | 4 Mb

Code analysis tool for Delphi developers that detects issues in Delphi source code.

Feature overview

FixInsight performs static code analysis to help you find bugs early in the development process:

Identify potential errors and oddities
Produce a list of warnings when issues are found
Check your code for coding convention compliance (list of code patterns handled by FixInsight can be found in the documentation)
Exclude specific units from analysis by entering their names in the Settings window
Suppress particular warnings
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