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DISQLite3 5.26.1 D4-D10.3 Rio

DISQLite3 5.26.1 D4-D10.3 Rio
DISQLite3 5.26.1 D4-D10.3 Rio

DISQLite3 implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland).

ACID transactions, even after system crashes and power failures.
Zero-configuration – no setup or administration needed.
Implements most of SQL-92.
A complete database is stored in a single disk file.
Supports terabyte-sized databases and gigabyte-sized strings and blobs. Self-contained: no external dependencies, no DLLs.
Small footprint and smart linking: Only required code is compiled in, adding as little as 300 KB code space only.
Full Text Search (FTS) with customizable tokenizer, prefix matching, and optional word stemming for 15 languages.
Database AES encryption with SHA256 key generator.
Db.pas is not required, which allows DISQLite3 to compile with all flavours of Delphi, including Delphi Standard and Delphi Personal.
Faster than popular database engines for most common operations.
Simple, easy to use API.
Database files created with DISQLite3 can also be accessed by Linux and MacOS using the SQLite3 libraries.
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SQL Maestro PostgreSQL PHP Generator Professional

SQL Maestro PostgreSQL PHP Generator Professional
SQL Maestro PostgreSQL PHP Generator Professional

PostgreSQL PHP Generator provides you with a set of clear-cut wizard steps, so it really does not require a deep knowledge of PostgreSQL from its users. You will hardly come across any difficulties operating the PHP form generator for CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations with precise wizard directions. All of that running on the powerful PHP database framework hiding low-level PHP database connection and SQL data access.
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Titan Database Interface for Btrieve and Pervasive SQL for RAD Studio XE6

Titan Database Interface for Btrieve and Pervasive SQL for RAD Studio XE6
Titan Database Interface for Btrieve and Pervasive SQL for RAD Studio XE6

Welcome to the Titan Database Interface? - a fast and powerful replacement for the Borland (Borland) Database Engine (BDE) interface used in Borland's Delphi? and C++ Builder? products. This manual and help text provides information on how to install, configure, and use Titan. Before getting into details, it might be helpful to give some background on Titan.
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IDERA DBArtisan 17.0.2

IDERA DBArtisan 17.0.2
IDERA DBArtisan 17.0.2

Proactively manage all major DBMSs (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 and Sybase) from a single common interface. Reduce training requirements and streamline collaboration among different teams across the organization. Manage multiple Oracle-specific schema object types and SQL Server advanced object properties such as temporal tables, in-memory tables, and natively compiled triggers, procedures and functions.
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SQL Maestro PHP Generator for MySQL Professional

SQL Maestro PHP Generator for MySQL Professional
SQL Maestro PHP Generator for MySQL Professional

Create professional quality data-driven web applications for your MySQL databases without any programming. PHP Generator for MySQL allows you to create applications that look fine on any device from a mobile phone to an extralarge desktop. PHP Generator for MySQL supports master-detail views with unlimited nesting.
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AnySQL Maestro Professional

AnySQL Maestro Professional
AnySQL Maestro Professional

AnySQL Maestro is a unique tool for administering any database engine (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, etc.) which is accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider. Windows clipboard, drag-and-drop operations, local pop-up menus - all of them can be used with database objects now! For example, to copy an object, simply drag and drop the object from one database to another, or use the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts instead of performing a long succession of manual operations.
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SQL Maestro for MySQL Professional

SQL Maestro for MySQL Professional
SQL Maestro for MySQL Professional

Use SQL Maestro for MySQL to work with any MySQL version from 3.23 to 6.0! SQL Maestro for MySQL supports events and table partitioning from MySQL 5.1, views, stored procedures/functions and triggers implemented in MySQL 5.0, MySQL 4.x/5.x user privileges extensions, InnoDB foreign keys, Unicode data, and many more. Tune up your MySQL server security policy with several mouse clicks. SQL Maestro for MySQL provides you with a number of powerful editors, that make management of MySQL users and their privileges as easy as it can be, even if you are not a skilled MySQL administrator. The SSH tunnel gives you an opportunity to connect to a remote MySQL server in the most secure way that could ever been.
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