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IBExpert SFX 2021.08.18.1 Cracked

IBExpert SFX 2021.08.18.1 Cracked
IBExpert SFX 2021.08.18.1 Cracked

You develop SQL databases professionally and need an efficient and powerful tool? With IBExpert you have made the right choice. It enables you in just a short space of time to become acquainted with, and achieve a command of the open source database, Firebird, as well as its commercial relative, InterBase®. There are powerful and yet easy-to-learn editors for all essential functions.
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Radzen 2.62.3 - .Net Core, Angular, Business Web Applications Builder

Radzen 2.62.3 - .Net Core, Angular, Business Web Applications Builder
Radzen 2.62.3 - .Net Core, Angular, Business Web Applications Builder

Build and launch web apps visually, while we generate clean code for you. Radzen is just one-click away. Simple to setup, maintain and update. Connect to your database. Radzen infers your data and creates a fully functional web application. Supports MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, OData, Swagger, REST services.
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Devart Excel Addins v2.5.704

Devart Excel Addins v2.5.704
Devart Excel Addins v2.5.704

Devart Excel Add-ins allow you to work with database and cloud data in Microsoft Excel as with usual Excel spreadsheets. With Devart Excel Add-ins you can get exactly the data you need with visual Query Builder or with SQL and refresh the queried external data in a workbook any time with a single click. External data can be edited as you usually do it in Excel, and then saved back to the data source.
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Spectral Core Full Convert Ultimate v21.08.1655

Spectral Core Full Convert Ultimate v21.08.1655
Spectral Core Full Convert Ultimate v21.08.1655

Full Convert is the easiest way to copy your data from one database to another - and blazingly fast. Databases can be messy. We support all popular and even ancient databases of any size with all complexity hidden away so you can get the job done now. Full Convert will quickly and easily copy your data from source to the target database. It will create all the tables, copy all of your data, then create indexes and foreign keys.
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Arclab Web Form Builder 5.4.1 (Developer Edition/Professional Edition/Light Edition)

Arclab Web Form Builder 5.4.1 (Developer Edition/Professional Edition/Light Edition)
Arclab Web Form Builder 5.4.1 (Developer Edition/Professional Edition/Light Edition)

Design online contact forms, registration forms and other web forms using a visual environment without any coding or knowledge of php and HTML. Add the input elements needed for your form and specify the data to be entered by the user. Just press a button and Arclab Web Form Builder creates the complete form code to process the submitted form data for you. The generated php script displays the form, sends the form data as email or inserts the data into a MySQL database.
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