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FirePower for Delphi 10.1 Berlin with update 1

FirePower for Delphi 10.1 Berlin with update 1
FirePower for Delphi 10.1 Berlin with update 1 | 38 Mb

Have you started using RAD Studio's FireMonkey library yet? It has tremendous advantages as you can build one app that runs on all your devices: your iPhones and iPads, your Android phones and tablets, and your MacBooks and Windows computers. But will you be as productive with FireMonkey as you have been with the VCL? Will the performance of your applications measure up to the VCL when moving to FireMonkey? Can you develop without having to compromise on the look and feel of your application? You may have thought the answer was a resounding "No". But with FirePower and RAD Studio, the complexity of having one app is greatly simplified. You'll be amazed how quickly you can develop without compromising on performance and capabilities. Not only will your user interface be intuitive and fast for each platform, it will be so much more effortless and enjoyable to develop.
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IPWorks! WebSockets .NET/Delphi Edition v16.0.6446

IPWorks! WebSockets .NET/Delphi Edition v16.0.6446
IPWorks! WebSockets .NET/Delphi Edition v16.0.6446 | 8 Mb

Create real-time web connected applications with support for WebSockets. Includes client, server, and proxy components for building and connecting to WebSockets (HTML5) based applications. IP*Works! WS includes a set of powerful components for integrating WebSocket communications capabilities into Web, Desktop, and Mobile applications. The components are perfect for building Web connected applications that require real-time data including chat, multi-player games, live financial applications, and more!
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WordCaptureX 6.5.5449.0

WordCaptureX 6.5.5449.0
WordCaptureX 6.5.5449.0 | 9 Mb

WordCaptureX WordCaptureX is a software library that allows your application (i.e. single click dictionary) to capture words on the screen, up to an entire line of text. So the most common usage is for a dictionary app that empowers users to look up any word in any application with just a single click on that word.
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IPWorks! CORE (+SSL) .NET/Delphi Edition v16.0.6446

IPWorks! CORE (+SSL) .NET/Delphi Edition v16.0.6446
IPWorks! CORE (+SSL) .NET/Delphi Edition v16.0.6446 | 18 Mb

The most comprehensive suite of components for professional Internet development. Trusted by almost every Fortune 500 and Global 2000, as well as thousands of independent developers worldwide. IP*Works! is a comprehensive framework for Internet development and is the core building block for most /n software products. IP*Works! eliminates the complexity of Internet development, providing programmable, SSL-enabled components that facilitate tasks such as ensuring security, sending email, transferring files, managing networks, browsing the Web, consuming Web Services, etc.
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Source Code - Customizable Mobile Arcade Game For Delphi 10.2

Source Code - Customizable Mobile Arcade Game For Delphi 10.2
Source Code - Customizable Mobile Arcade Game For Delphi 10.2

Embarcadero has four mobile arcade game projects for Delphi in Object Pascal available for free over on GitHub. All of the projects run on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. One of the projects is called Space Rocks and I modified this project to allow the player to customize the game at runtime (for more info about Space Rocks check out this blog post). The modified game is called Deep Space Rocks. I also re-skinned the game a but with a new background, player character, and enemy characters.
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