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Smart Mobile Studio Enterprise 2.0 Build 723

Smart Mobile Studio Enterprise 2.0 Build 723
Smart Mobile Studio Enterprise 2.0 Build 723 | 80 Mb

You have reached the home of Smart Mobile Studio, a very exciting project that allows you to write ordinary Pascal in the flavour made famous by Delphi and Free Pascal, but generate feature rich, cutting edge HTML5 web applications ready for the mobile market. The fundamental difference between Smart and other rapid application development (RAD) systems is that Smart does not rely on a server. You author the project just like you would do in Delphi or Visual Studio and it’s instantly converted into high-speed jаvascript. Our philosophy is that the browser is the new operative system. The code generated by our compiler is ready to run on your iPhone or any HTML5 web-kit empowered device.
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DIFileFinder v6.0.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5

DIFileFinder v6.0.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5
DIFileFinder v6.0.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5 | 4 Mb

DIFileFinder is collection of Delphi components (Embarcadero / CodeGear, Borland) to search the file system for files and or folders matching (or not matching!) particular attributes and / or name patterns. Pattern syntax includes standard wildcards as well as full Perl compatible regular expressions. DIFileFinder supports inclusion as well as exclusion filters.
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DIUnicode v6.0.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5

DIUnicode v6.0.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5
DIUnicode v6.0.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5 | 2 Mb

DIUnicode provides Unicode Reader and Unicode Writer classes for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland). The classes implement automatic and native decoding and / or encoding of 150+ character sets when linked against DIConverters. DIUnicode's Pascal implementation features more than 70 encodings, like UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, the ISO-8859 family, various Windows and Macintosh codepages, KOI8 character sets, Chinese GB18030, and more. Adding a new character coding is as simple as writing a single conversion procedure.
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DIZipWriter v5.5.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5

DIZipWriter v5.5.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5
DIZipWriter v5.5.1 for Delphi 7, BDS 2005-2010 & RAD Studio XE-XE5 | 3 Mb

DIZipWriter is a Delphi component to create PKZip-compatible ZIP archives. Archive output is completely stream-based and works with any TStream descendant. DIZipWriter therefore direclty writes to files (TFileStream), memory (TMemoryStream), or even database BLOBs (TBlobStream). Convenience functions to work files and file based archives are available.
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TatukGIS Developer Kernel VCL Edition

TatukGIS Developer Kernel VCL Edition
TatukGIS Developer Kernel VCL Edition | 134 Mb

The TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) is a comprehensive GIS component (SDK) for custom development of stand-alone, embedded, client-server, and mobile applications. Editions are available for multiple development platforms:

Embarcadero Delphi/C++Builder VCL
Microsoft .NET for WinForms and WPF
Microsoft ActiveX/OCX
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (for mobile solutions)
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