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nSoftware IP Works! SSL 9.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder

nSoftware IP Works! SSL 9.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder
nSoftware IP Works! SSL 9.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder | 43 Mb

IP*Works! SSL is a no-compromise, comprehensive suite of royalty-free SSL-enabled components. It brings unprecedented ease of use to Secure Internet Development with drop-in replacements for the components in the "classic" IP*Works! package, well known in the development community for their straightforward, intuitive interfaces, and powerful productivity features.
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nSoftware Google Integrator 2.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder

nSoftware Google Integrator 2.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder
nSoftware Google Integrator 2.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder | 16 Mb

The Google Integrator makes it easy to access Google Apps and Services from any supported platform or development technology. The easy-to-use components can be used to connect applications to Google cloud storage, and to easily integrate connectivity with popular Google Apps like Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Gmail Contacts. Leverage always-on access to Google Apps and Cloud services. Google Integrator provides easy-to-use components for accessing Google Services including Google Storage, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Gmail Contacts, and more!
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2016 (version 2016.1.113) Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2016 (version 2016.1.113) Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2016 (version 2016.1.113) Retail | 87 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail | 85 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
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nSoftware Azure Integrator 2.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder

nSoftware Azure Integrator 2.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder
nSoftware Azure Integrator 2.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder | 5 Mb

The Azure Integrator includes straightforward and easy-to-use components for integration with Windows Azure Services, including: Table, Queue, and Blob. These components allow you to quickly and easily add data storage, queue management, table operations, and more through straightforward component interfaces that natively integrate with your development platform of choice.
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nSoftware Amazon Integrator 6.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder

nSoftware Amazon Integrator 6.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder
nSoftware Amazon Integrator 6.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder | 17 Mb

The Amazon Integrator makes it easy to access Amazon Web Services from any supported platform or development technology. Easy-to-use components can be used to add, modify and delete objects stored on S3 or SimpleDB, add or remove messages from SQS, integrate with ASW e-commerce services, or control EC2 instances.
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n Software IPWorks! v9.0.5724 Android

n Software IPWorks! v9.0.5724 Android
n Software IPWorks! v9.0.5724 Android | 5 Mb

IP*Works! is a comprehensive framework for Internet development and is the core building block for most /n software products. IP*Works! eliminates the complexity of Internet development, providing easy-to-use, programmable components that facilitate tasks such as sending email, transferring files, managing networks, browsing the Web, consuming Web Services, etc.
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Devart dotConnect for Oracle Professional 8.5.563

Devart dotConnect for Oracle Professional 8.5.563
Devart dotConnect for Oracle Professional 8.5.563 | 68 Mb

dotConnect for Oracle, formerly known as OraDirect .NET, is an enhanced ORM enabled data provider for Oracle that builds on ADO.NET technology to present a complete solution for developing Oracle-based database applications. It introduces new approaches for designing application architecture, boosts productivity, and facilitates the development of database applications.
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