Vagrant 2.0.4
![Vagrant 2.0.4](/vault/images/2018/04/22/1kfhk.jpg)
Vagrant 2.0.4
Vagrant is software for creating and configuring a virtual development environment. It is a wrapper for virtualization software, such as VirtualBox, and configuration management tools such as Chef, Salt and Puppet. Since version 1.1, Vagrant is no longer tied to VirtualBox and also works with other virtualization tools, for example, VMware Workstation, and also supports cloud environments such as Amazon EC2. The tool is written in Ruby; It can be used in projects created in other programming languages, such as PHP, Python, Java, C # and jаvascript. Developers who wish to easily migrate their work to various platforms and environments could be looking for a way to reproduce their work on portable environments.