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Zeus IDE Version 3.98j

Zeus IDE Version 3.98j
Zeus IDE Version 3.98j | 54 Mb

Zeus is an IDE designed for the Windows platform and comes pre-configured for several popular languages like C#, Go, Lua, Rust and Python just to name a few. Being highly configurable, with minimal effort it can be made to work with almost any programming tool or programming language. Zeus is fast starting, fast loading, fully scriptable and specifically designed for the task of programming, making it the perfect tool to improve productivity when writing code. But don't take our word for it, instead read what other Zeus users have to say or better still, test drive Zeus for yourself. We'd love to get your feedback.
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Z.EntityFramework Extensions SQL Compact 3.12.4

Z.EntityFramework Extensions SQL Compact 3.12.4
Z.EntityFramework Extensions SQL Compact 3.12.9 | 600 kB

Entity Framework Extensions allow you to improve dramatically your save operations performance. It’s easy to use, and easy to customize.Dramatically Improve EF Performance with Bulk SaveChanges and Bulk Operations. Use scalable bulk operations and always get the best performance available for your database provider.
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yaldex 1st JavaScript Editor Pro 5.1 PRO

yaldex 1st JavaScript Editor Pro 5.1 PRO
yaldex 1st jР°vascript Editor Pro 5.1 PRO | 9 Mb

Beside rich possibilities of editing scripts, Ajax editor offers large snippets library with full collection of HTML tags, HTML attributes, HTML events, ajax scripts, jР°vascript events and jР°vascript functions, attributes, statements and operators (such as window, document, frame, history, location, navigator, date, math, string, etc - at whole over 1200), allowing you to insert them into web page by click.
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Z.EntityFramework Extensions SQL Server 3.12.4

Z.EntityFramework Extensions SQL Server 3.12.4
Z.EntityFramework Extensions for SQL Server 3.12.4 | 600 kB

Entity Framework Extensions allow you to improve dramatically your save operations performance. It’s easy to use, and easy to customize.Dramatically Improve EF Performance with Bulk SaveChanges and Bulk Operations. Use scalable bulk operations and always get the best performance available for your database provider.
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