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Gibraltar VistaDB

Gibraltar VistaDB
Gibraltar VistaDB | 31 Mb

VistaDB is the only .Net embedded database that allows you to Xcopy a single DLL for both 32 and 64 bit runtime support. Want ClickOnce deployment for your .Net application? VistaDB requires zero config on the client. No more worries about COM deployment for the database engine! Even our database files are built for ease of deployment - a single database file with no external logs or complex permissions.
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PDFium Component Suite for FireMonkey 2.3

PDFium Component Suite for FireMonkey 2.3
PDFium Component Suite for FireMonkey 2.3 | 22 Mb

Delphi and C++ Builder components for viewing, navigating, text extracting and editing PDF files.


Uses PDFium open-source PDF rendering engine
Supports Windows 32, Windows 64, OS X and Android
Available for Delphi/C++ Builder XE2 - XE8
Source code included in full version

Royalty free distribution in applications
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nSoftware WFC Channels 4.0.5513

nSoftware WFC Channels 4.0.5513
nSoftware WFC Channels 4.0.5513 | 2 Mb

Fully-managed WCF Adapters that extend Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) with enterprise-class Internet communications, secure messaging, and secure file transfer capabilities. The /n software WCF Channels consist of fully-managed .NET Transport Channels that integrate with Windows Communication Foundation. The Channels extend the features of WCF with advanced Internet communications and secure messaging capabilities, providing robust enterprise ready Internet connectivity, secure messaging, and file transfer.
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Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.624) Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.624) Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.624) Retail | 71 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Complete Set of Features and Controls
Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
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AlphaControls 10.12 (D5-XE8/BCB6-BCB8) Retail

AlphaControls 10.12 (D5-XE8/BCB6-BCB8) Retail
AlphaControls 10.12 (D5-XE8/BCB6-BCB8) Retail | 110 Mb

AlphaControls - a set of common and some unique components that support skins (AlphaSkins), as well as having some additional features. All skin elements can have their own properties for advanced drawing the gradient, realistic framework, semi-transparent and blurry shadows. Graphics functions produce all the calculations and drawing in real-time. Added property BoundLabel for editing elements. Handled various mouse events, which gives some additional features components. Manager prompts controls the tips in the application and gives them a beautiful view with a lot of settings that can be changed by a special designer. Analogs of standard components provide all the functionality and add a lot of new solutions to improve software quality and their appearance.
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NexusDB Developer Edition 3.1122 D7 - XE8

NexusDB Developer Edition 3.1122 D7 - XE8
NexusDB Developer Edition 3.1122 D7 - XE8 | 27 Mb

The NexusDB database engine for Delphi is our award winning flagship product. NexusDB is a royalty-free, SQL:2003 core compliant, Client/Server and Embedded database system, with features that rival other heavily licensed products. NexusDB introduces unique new features for Delphi developers while further improving on its core strengths stability, performance and flexibility.
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