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SoftPerfect Connection Emulator Pro v1.9

SoftPerfect Connection Emulator Pro v1.9
SoftPerfect Connection Emulator Pro v1.9

SoftPerfect Connection Emulator (SCE) is a WAN environment emulator for network application developers, system administrators and network engineers. Software developers creating network-enabled applications, especially time-critical ones like VoIP software or real time protocols, need to thoroughly test their products in a range of environments. Most applications work well on broadband connections, but what if your application will also be used on low-speed communication links such as GPRS or Satellite?
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Devart UniDAC v10.4.0 Professional for Delphi 6 - 12 Athens

Devart UniDAC v10.4.0 Professional for Delphi 6 - 12 Athens
Devart UniDAC v10.4.0 Professional for Delphi 6 - 12 Athens

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Lazarus (Free Pascal). We have combined the experience of long-term successful development into one product, which provides unified access to the popular database servers like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).
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Eziriz .NET Reactor x64 for Windows

Eziriz .NET Reactor x64 for Windows
Eziriz .NET Reactor x64 for Windows

Unmatched .NET code protection system which completely stops anyone from decompiling your code. .NET Reactor prevents reverse engineering by adding different protection layers to your .NET assemblies. Beside standard obfuscation techniques it includes special features like NecroBit, Virtualization, x86 Code Generation or Anti Tampering. NET Reactor is the only tool which offers Code Encryption for Windows, Linux and OSX.
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