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Telerik Reporting Q1 2016 (version Retail

Telerik Reporting Q1 2016 (version Retail
Telerik Reporting Q1 2016 (version Retail | 73 Mb

JustDecompile is available for free download individually, or it can be purchased with priority support as a part of DevCraft - the most comprehensive HTML5 and .NET toolbox. JustDecompile is fast. In fact, really fast. When tested against the leading competitors, for .NET framework decompilation time, JustDecompile came out 10 times faster than the leading commercial decompiler. Try it and verify the results for yourself.
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nSoftware E-Payment Integrator 6.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder

nSoftware E-Payment Integrator 6.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder
nSoftware E-Payment Integrator 6.0.5849 Delphi/C++ Builder | 15 Mb

The best selling suite of Internet E-Commerce components. E-Payment Integrator is the easiest way to add secure and reliable Internet payment processing to your applications.

Credit Card & eCheck Components
Components for Credit Card processing and e-Checks included in a comprehensive, e-commerce suite
256-bit Strong SSL Security
Built on top of the IP*Works! SSL secure communications framework - trusted by thousands of secure applications worldwide.
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Telerik UI for JSP Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail

Telerik UI for JSP Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail
Telerik UI for JSP Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail | 43 Mb

Telerik UI for JSP includes a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) framework. It lets you write JSP code to generate widgets that seamlessly integrate with your server-side backend. With MVVM you can manage complex HTML and jаvascript UI with declarative bindings and two-way syncing between views and models. You don’t have to manually keep the view and model in sync; the MVVM framework does it for you.
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Telerik UI for PHP Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail

Telerik UI for PHP Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail
Telerik UI for PHP Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Retail | 42 Mb

Telerik UI for PHP is a complete framework for building modern HTML5 web and mobile apps using PHP. The package includes a suite of 40+ jQuery-based UI widgets that come with PHP server wrappers, an MVVM framework, customizable themes and templates. You can easily build rich, modern web applications in your preferred server-side language because Telerik UI for PHP renders the j@vascript.
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Crypto Obfuscator For .Net 2015 Enterprise Build 160118

Crypto Obfuscator For .Net 2015 Enterprise Build 160118
Crypto Obfuscator For .Net 2015 Enterprise Build 160118 | 11 Mb

Crypto Obfuscator supports all versions of the .Net framework from v1.0 to v4.0 and Visual Studio 2002 to Visual Studio 2015. It also supports the .Net Compact Framework, .Net Micro Framework, Silverlight and XNA. It can protect assemblies created with any .Net language including C#, VB.Net, Managed C++, J#, etc.The new version features new protections like external and internal method call hiding, improvements and optimizations to existing protections like string encryption, Anti-Reflector and Anti-Reflection, .Net Micro Framework, improved support for x64 assemblies, LINQ, XNA and WCF projects, support for satellite assemblies. The new version also fixes miscellaneous bugs in obfuscation logic and has improved obfuscation speed.
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EurekaLog RC Enterprise Retail

EurekaLog RC Enterprise Retail
EurekaLog RC Enterprise Retail | 120 Mb

EurekaLog is the new Delphi and C++Builder exception tracer tool that gives your application (GUI, Console, Web, etc.) the power to catch all exceptions, memory leaks and detect infinite-loops and deadlocks. It generates a detailed log with the call stack at the point that raised the exception, showing unit, class, method and line number, (see this example), and displays it on screen and optionally sends it back to you via email or to a Web Server (using the HTTP-S/FTP protocols or sending directly to your preferred "Web Bug Tracker" software), thus helping speed up the process of bug-location and resolution by a factor of 10!
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