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Telerik UI for Blazor 4.0.0 Retail

Telerik UI for Blazor 4.0.0 Retail
Telerik UI for Blazor 4.0.0 Retail

Blazor gives you the ability to write rich web apps with C# rather than jаvascript. Telerik UI for Blazor components have been built from the ground-up to ensure you experience shorter development cycles, quick iterations and cut time to market.
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EurekaLog for D7/Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria, 32/64bit Patched

EurekaLog for D7/Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria, 32/64bit Patched
EurekaLog for D7/Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria, 32/64bit Patched

EurekaLog is the new Delphi and C++Builder exception tracer tool that gives your application (GUI, Console, Web, etc.) the power to catch all exceptions, memory leaks and detect infinite-loops and deadlocks. It generates a detailed log with the call stack at the point that raised the exception, showing unit, class, method and line number, (see this example), and displays it on screen and optionally sends it back to you via email or to a Web Server (using the HTTP-S/FTP protocols or sending directly to your preferred "Web Bug Tracker" software), thus helping speed up the process of bug-location and resolution by a factor of 10!
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SpreadsheetGear 2023 for .NET, Silverlight, .NET Standard v9.1.33-beta

SpreadsheetGear 2023 for .NET, Silverlight, .NET Standard v9.1.33-beta
SpreadsheetGear 2023 for .NET, Silverlight, .NET Standard v9.1.33-beta

SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET enables developers for .NET, .NET Framework, .NET Core, iOS, Android, Linux, macOS and UWP to easily take advantage of scalable Excel Reporting, comprehensive Excel compatible charting APIs, the fastest and most complete Excel compatible calculations and more using the same API enjoyed by thousands of Windows developers for more than a decade.
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Asp.Net Core Fundamentals: Build An E-Commerce Site

Asp.Net Core Fundamentals: Build An E-Commerce Site
Asp.Net Core Fundamentals: Build An E-Commerce Site

Step-by-step guidance to building a real-world e-commerce or coffee shop application from start to finish

What you'll learn
How to create a .NET Core project and understand its project structure.
Understand the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and its implementation in .NET Core.
Understand and implement the Repository pattern in .NET Core.
Register services in the Inversion of Control (IOC) container and create controllers and views in .NET MVC.
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LLBLGen Pro 5.10

LLBLGen Pro 5.10
LLBLGen Pro 5.10

Using databases in your .NET code made easy. To write queries against your ORM framework, utilizing your database and your dаta: LLBLGen Pro gets you there immediately, whether you target .NET Full, .NET 5+, .NET Core or Xamarin.
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SpreadsheetGear 2023 for .NET, Silverlight, .NET Standard v9.1.18-beta

SpreadsheetGear 2023 for .NET, Silverlight, .NET Standard v9.1.18-beta
SpreadsheetGear 2023 for .NET, Silverlight, .NET Standard v9.1.18-beta

SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET enables developers for .NET, .NET Framework, .NET Core, iOS, Android, Linux, macOS and UWP to easily take advantage of scalable Excel Reporting, comprehensive Excel compatible charting APIs, the fastest and most complete Excel compatible calculations and more using the same API enjoyed by thousands of Windows developers for more than a decade.
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BTFramework Wireless Communication Library (Oct 2022)

BTFramework Wireless Communication Library (Oct 2022)
BTFramework Wireless Communication Library (Oct 2022)

Bluetooth Framework is the Software Developer Kit (SDK) for software developers that provides an easy access to the Bluetooth features on Windows platforms. Bluetooth Framework is the part of Wireless Communication Library but can be used as stand alone library. Bluetooth Framework supports both Bluetooth technologies: Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE).
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